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(Rin's POV)

☀️🌙A month later🌙☀️

It's been a month since Christmas and New year, was fun..I know I said that I'm gonna confess to him on New Years, but I couldn't. And since Valentines day is tomorrow, I..I kind of decided to confess tomorrow so, here I am at the grocery store buying ingredients for Len's banana chocolate. Well..tomorrow is the day I'm going to confess..ugh, I didn't knew that it's gonna be this hard, by means, I'm really nervous right now. Come on! What if he rejects me or something?! Ugh!! I am really gonna die young by just being frustrated!

"Hello there"


I suddenly jumped in fright from a voice that surprised me out of nowhere. I turned my head towards the person who spoke and was surprised to see a guy (taller than me) smiling down at me "oh, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you" he started to apologize bowing down, I then instantly shook my head and shake my hands reassuringly "oh don't be! It's alright!" I reassured smiling generously, he then looked back at me and smiled sweetly, he then suddenly lend out his hand in front of me "hi, I'm Usuke! I'm just new in this place" he, in the name of Usuke, introduced himself nicely and smiled again with closed eyes.

I got a better look of him when he did that, he has chocolate brown hair fixed in a slicked back type, he has this red eyes that kinda distracts me and somehow, makes me feel really nervous kinda reminds me of Zatsune I thought but I shook that thought away easily "uh, yeah..hi?" I said, sorta sounding like a question more than a greeting "sorry, you kinda looked like you were in trouble so I decided to help" he kindly said as he scratched his head.

I blinked several times in confusion as I slowly touched my face, did I really just looked like an idiot for a moment? Damn, I should really control my exaggerating thoughts from my emotions I thought, mentally face palming myself for my pure stupidness. I just shook my head for that and smiled kindly at him "thanks but I'm alright..just a lot of stuff going on in my head, hehe" I tilted my head to one side as I pretended to punch my brains out.

Usuke chuckled in delight and patted my head "well that's good to know.." he said then stared at me for..who knows how long.

I don't know if I should feel safe or scared? Usuke is nice and all but, something in him is somewhat..mysterious? I shrugged that thought off and smiled at him again "I should get going now, it was nice meeting you Usuke!" I bid my farewell to him and he just nodded at me before I went on my way.

(???'s POV)


She was right.

The girl is just too nice to play tag with.


But I wonder..?

What's the next game I should play with her after playing pretend?

(Rin's POV)

Okay. I have everything that I need. I already bought the stuff and I was starting to head out of the grocery store. I called a cab and waited for it to come and get me at the entrance "oh! Hello little lady!" I heard a voice greet, I turned my head to the left and found out that it was Usuke "Usuke! It's you! Hi!" I greeted back again and gave him a small wave. Usuke smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his head "I..I actually didn't get your name" he blurted out. Then realization hit me like lightning and I never mentioned my name!

"Right! I'm Rin! Kagamine Rin!"

I cheerfully and politely introduced myself as I lend out my hand for him to shake, but I was left dumbfounded when I didn't felt his hand shake mine. I stared at him for a while with a confused look when I saw his overly surprised expression. I tilted my head to one side, worried for the poor guy "hey Usuke? Are you okay?" I worriedly asked as I tugged the sleeve of his green suit. He then suddenly blinked and shook his head and then smiled at me "w-what? Oh, yeah! Well..hello Rin!" He answered stammering, I didn't believed that he was okay but if that's what he wants then I won't bother.

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