The New Ally

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The New Ally


"So, what are we going to do?" The familiar orange haired boy asked, walking with his blonde friend to their next class.

The blonde girl sighed and shook her head "I don't know either, Nero..I'm still a bit lost" she replied as she took in the danger that was striking them.

It has been a week since she remembered her true self. And within that week, she caught up with things, most especially in between her and Miku. It has come to a point that they need to make a plan to stop Zatsune with her evil deeds, and knowing that her parents are still alive and was threatening to kill her was not what she was expecting.

Rin brought two of her fingers up to her temples and rubbing it, hoping to ease the tension. "We'll just have to figure it out or we just wing it" Nero answered with a reassuring smile as he patted his friend's shoulder. She in return, smiled back and looked up ahead.

She stopped and furrowed her brows when she saw another familiar orange haired girl watching her from afar, and she knew exactly who it was.

'Neru?' She thought, and once their eyes finally met, Neru's orange eyes widened in surprise before her figure disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Rin? Is something wrong?" Nero also stopped once he felt her presence wasn't beside him anymore, he looked over his shoulder to see the said girl still dazed.

He raised a curious brow at her and followed her gaze's trail and he only found nothing, he returned his attention back to her and waved his hands "hey? Rin? Yo yo, you there?" He jokingly asked with a small worried smile.

After a while, Rin shook her head and blinked several times before she snapped back to reality. She saw the worried look on Nero's face and she smiled to prevent him from suspicion "oh! Sorry Nero, I thought I saw something earlier" she reassuringly replied and took a quick glance at the previous spot before pushing Nero.

"Come on, let's go!" She exclaimed as she literally pushed Nero up to their classroom, and they had fun along the way.


Yonhee was sitting quietly at her chair, listening to the lesson that her Mathematics teacher was teaching. She had Math class with a few of her friends, specifically Len, Ted, and Miku.

"So, in expressing these expressions is easy because.." the teacher, Ms. Xiao Lin, rambled on, explaining the lesson loud, clear, and boring. The redhead had to close her eyes for a second before she opened them again to retain her consciousness.

She was starting to drift away from her one second sleep when her Fire Magic Holder ability picked up a hearing not so far away but, quieter than it should be.

"Listen to this message..remember this.."

Were the first words that the redhead heard, waking her up from her supposedly slumber. She shot her eyes wide open once those words run through her ears.

"Take the place where it all began.."

Yonhee curiously raised a brow as she listened attentively at the sender's voice, other than focusing on memorizing the message, she was also trying to find out who is behind the whispered and inaudible voice.

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