Francis and the X-Men

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(Based off movie but slightly different)

A/H: Anti-Hero name, assassin name

Your P.O.V

"Thanks Sweetheart."  Deadpool said to you before looking at Francis, lying on the pavement.  "A hush falls over the crowd as rookie sensation Wade W. Wilson out of Regina, Saskatchewan, lines up the shot."  Deadpool leaned over and aimed while you leaned against the car.  Just as Francis was struggling to get up, Wade delivered a swift kick.  "His form looks good."  Francis's head flew into the car from the impact.  "OHHHHHHH."  Both you and Wade yelled.

"Good thing he's wearing a helmet."  You said, walking closer to observe that of the man who kidnapped your friend.  "Oh he's gonna be wishing he wore a lot more.  And that's why Regina rhymes with fun."  Francis tried to shoot Wade but you stomped on his back, knocking him to the ground.  Before he could reach his gun again, you swiftly kicked it away.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Deadpool began as he attacked Francis.  "What your witnessing is SWEET, dick kicking REVENGE!!!"  Deadpool jumped up and landed on Francis.  You scrunched up your face as he continued to kick Francis in the face.  "Why not just take the helmet off already?"  You asked.  "Good Idea Y/N."  Deadpool looked at Francis as he began to drag him over the side of the road.  "See why I have her around?  So helpful!"  

You looked over at the two and gave a small wave, smirking.  "Let's give him the business!"  Wade threw Francis to the wall and kicked his helmet off, revealing a bloodied, bruised man.  Deadpool drew his remaining sword.  "This is taking sportsmen-like conduct two a Whole nEW LEVEL!" Deadpool thrust the sword through Francis's chest and through the cement on the other side.

"Ah!"  Francis cried out for a moment before Deadpool pushed his head up.  "Looking good Francis.  Well rested.  Like you've been pitching not catching."  Francis's eyes struggled to stay open, most likely blinded by blood that covered his face.  "Ringing any bells?"  Deadpool asked.  Francis nodded in your direction.

"Your the b*tch from the bar arn't cha?"  You walked over and gave hi one of your sweetest puppy-dog faces.  "This b*tch just took you down."  Then you nodded your head, gesturing to Wade.  "Recognize him?"  You waited a moment as Francis's face remained blank.  "No?"  You said tipped your head to the side.  You sighed then stood up and Deadpool lifted his mask.  

"How about now?"  Recognition filled Francis's face.  He scoffed.  "Wade F*cking Wilson.  You look gorgeous."  He said sarcastically.  Wade tucked his mask back into his suit.  "Yea.  Like I got bit by a radioactive sharte!" (What's a sharte?  That's prob wrong...)

Wade laughed.  "And whose fault is that Francis?"  Francis looked down.  "Now time to undo what you did to this butter-face."  Francis looked up at you.  "You're standing with this f*cker?"  You shrugged.  "Well he couldn't find a plastic surgeon for free so...."  You trailed off.

Francis shook his head and turned back to Wade.  "You should thank me.  I made you immortal. I'm actually quite jealous."  You jaw opened slightly.  "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa....."  You said under your breath but loud enough for the boys to hear.

However, both ignored you and continued with their conversation.  "Yea but this ain't a life worth living is it?"  Deadpool played with the sword's handle sticking out of Francis.  Hearing footsteps you turned around.  "Waaaaddddeeee?!?"  You called out but he wasn't listening.  "No... I'm about to do to you what Lim Biscuit did to music in the late 90s."

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