Total Drama Genosha

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Your P.O.V
"I'm gonna be sick..."  Logan mumbled next to you as you sat in the back of the ship the X-men called the 'Blackbird'.  "Don't barf on me bub."  You said to him, leaning slightly away.  He weakly looked up, to sick to do any real damage.  "Shhhuuuddup."  He managed to mumbled before covering his mouth again and burping.  At this rate, he was going to start looking like the hulk; green and mad.
You quickly unbuckled your seatbelt and headed over to Beast and Negasonic who were piloting the plane.   Leaning between the two, you spoke.  "Where are we headed exactly?"  "A place of great significance to Mutants everywhere and the site of one of the most bloody-" Beast began but you cut him off with a swift raised hand.  "Just the name man..."  If fuzzy wuzzy wasn't so fuzzy, you might of seen his face flush with embarrassment.  "Uh. Genosha."  "Population zero."  Negasonic added before switching some buttons on the control panel.  You furrowed your brow.  "Well hopefully population: one.  That one being Wade." 
Negasonic shrugged.  "Hopefully.  I hope the b*stard knows how much you care."  She added.  You were grateful that no one was looking at you and your pink cheeks.  You cleared your throat.  "Dude owes me money.  I payed all his taxi fares."  You said stiffly.  Negasonic smirked.  "Sure."  You frowned and were about to open your mouth before she interrupted by speaking over the com.  "Will all passengers please be seated?  We are ready to land."  A retro looking seat-belt sign turned on.  You couldn't argue with safety this time.  You narrowed your eyes.  "This isn't over yet.  I'm only afraid if I talk any more to you your might open the hatch and blow me out."  You said before slinking away.
"Ever talk to Beast about joining the Blue Man Group?"  You pouted as you slumped next to Logan.  "Believe me... Ugp... We got our own blue show... Ugp". Logan could barely speak as he choked out his words.  "Nightcrawler, Mystique,... Ugp... Fuzzy butt up there..."  Logan covered his mouth with his hand.  You cringed and patted his back cautiously.  "Shh precious.  Save your sass for battle."  Feeling the plane drop in altitude, you pulled on your seatbelt.  Reaching into your duffel bag you pulled out your Hugh Jackman magazine you stole form Wade and began reading.
As you read the pages, your mind began to drift away from the magazine and back to Wade.  Would he really be on Genosha?  You hoped so.  When you found him, if he wasn't dead then you were going to kill him.  The convenient part was you knew he was most likely alive and you could kill him as many times as you pleased.  You were jolted into reality as the wheels of the plane hit solid ground.  You quickly unbuckled and jumped up.  Meanwhile, Logan weakly undid his seatbelt and fell onto the floor, panting heavily.  "Why... Do I... Keep... Agreeing to this..."  He wheezed.
You were practically jumping and down as Beast and Negasonic came over.  "Come on!  Let's go!"  You hooted.  Negasonic glanced up at Beast.  Noticing he the one whom was to reply, Beast chuckled nervously.  "Well... Alright but we have to stick together.  Genosha may be abandoned but the island itself is still mighty dangerous."  You head shot up.  "You didn't tell me we were on an island!"  You explained.  Beast looked over to you.  "It wasn't relevant to the mis-". You interrupted him.  "I didn't bring sunscreen!"  You screeched.
Opening the plane's back, you ran out to look at your surroundings.  There were crumbling buildings everywhere, all covered in vines and growth.  It looked as if my just breathing on it, it would all crumble to the ground.  "Whoa..."  You breathed out, in awe.  "Whoa indeed."  Beast said behind your, looking upward.  "You should of seen it before the sentinels."  He added.  "It was pretty dope."  Negasonic said.  You nodded in agreement before all three of your looked back to see Logan fall down the steps, cursing the whole way.
You couldn't help but laugh at the sight.  "F*ck you Y/N."  He said as he stumbled up.  You shrugged.  "Whatever bub."  You said sassily.  He growled and unsheathed his claws.  You quickly whipped out your gun and placed it by his skull.  "I wouldn't try that if I were you pussy cat."  You said in a dangerously low voice.  "Logan!  Not now."  Beast said sternly.  Logan slowly sheathed his claws and backed away.  You twirled your gun and placed it back in it's holster.  "Well now that's settled, let's go shall we?"  You said smirking as you made your way down the path.  Negasonic grinned and ran after you.  Although she wouldn't admit it, she had missed you.  You were way more interesting than Colossus.
After a few hours of walking, you moaned and looked up to the sky.  "We've been searching for hours!  Where the hell is he?"  You said throwing up your arms.  Logan sniffed the air.  "Relax bub.  He's here somewhere.  I can smell em."  You made a face.  Logan, aka Wolverine, was more like the X-men's dog than anything.  You turned to Negasonic who had been silent the whole time.  She stared blankly at her phone, making a tweet, trying to send it, it failing, she retried a new message.  She had been at it all day.  Finding her boring, you turned and looked at Beast who was also taking sniffs at the air as he held some beeping device.
You rolled your eyes and looked up at a building.  Squinting your eyes, you were able to make out some red writing on the side.  "Hey guys!"  You called out, pointing.  Beast followed your finger and read it aloud.  "This... Way?"  He said confused.    He pointed his device toward where the arrow pointed and it beeped slightly faster.  "The device is picking up recent activity in the area.  Could be Wade."  "Or a Sentinel." Negasonic said.  Logan growled and unsheathed his claws.  "Let's go." 
The four of your headed in the direction that the message had indicated.  You look one last glance at the sign.  Negasonic turned around and saw you.  "Come on Y/N!"  She said gesturing you.  You were released from your thoughts.  "Yea!  Yea!  I'm coming!"  You quickly scrambled after the group.
As you walked over to where the X-dude were, you noticed something wrong.  "Whatcha looking at?'  You asked as you saw the team crouched just in front of a rise.  Logan reached out and dragged you down.  "Quiet bub."  You glared at him and lifted your head slightly to get a view. "Oh."  You mumbled softly. 
The ground below was filled with soldiers.  At least a hundred all armed with enough weapons to call them an army.  They seemed to be guarding a prisons-fortress-like building.  "The Genosha prison."  Beast mumbled.  You raised your eyebrows.  Negasonic looked at Beast.  "This island had a prison!? Why?"  She asked.  Logan glared at her.  "Now's not really the time for a history lesson."  For once you agreed with the clawed dude. 
"So what's the plan?"  You asked Beast.  He thought for a moment.  "Well we're here to find Wade who could be very well in there."  "Not likely."  You scoffed.  Beast shrugged.  "We followed his scent up to here didn't we?"  You remained silent for Beast continued.  "If we could get over to that building over there we could-"
"Do what?"  A women's voice asked.  You were about to reach for your weapons before someone put there hand on your head and grabbed it tight.  You cried out in pain as you were lifted up into the air by a giant man in furs.  "Hey Sweetie."  He growled as you felt something sharp dig into your skull.  You looked at him, in pain but confused.  He gave a sickly grin, showing off his pointed teeth and lifted his opposite hand.  Instead of fingernails, the guy had claws.  "Sabretooth."  Logan growled.  You heard his claws unsheathe.
Sabretooth grinned and waved his free claw.  "Ah. Ah. Ah.  You do that Logan and the girl here gets her skull crushed to pieces."  His grip tightened and you cringed.  "Well aren't you the charmer."  You hissed through the pain.  Logan backed down, surrendering.  You noticed the women had much longer claws focused on Negasonic's neck.  "Hands off Lady."  Negasonic said as she lifted her arms up behind her back.  "That's Lady Deathstrike to you scum."  She said quickly slicing Negasonic's neck.  It was a light scratch but blood still dripped down.  Negasonic cried out, closing her eyes tight and gritting her teeth.
Sabretooth looked down at your non-X-men attire.  "What type of mutie are you?"  Sabretooth asked.  You didn't answer.  If you said you weren't a mutant they might just kill you on the spot.  "Silent huh?"  Sabretooth stuck his free hand under your throat.  "Then why don't I just kill you now?"  You gulped.  A trickle of sweat rolled down your neck.  You felt his claws dig into your throat.  A small stream of warm blood dripped down your neck, mixing with the sweat.  "Not yet.  Sabertooth."  Deathstrike warned.  She looked at the four of your with disgust.  "They may prove themselves quite useful to The Professor."  You glanced at Beast but he only shrugged.
Deathstrike shoved Beast up.  "Move it!"  He lifted up his arms and placed them behind his back, glancing worryingly at Negasonic.  Nega saw his gaze as she was shoved into line behind him.  She clutched her neck wound but blood still dripped out between her fingers.
After she had lined up behind Beast, you were dragged over the line followed by Logan.  The four of your were marched down the hill to the soldiers.  They cocked their guns in your direction.  Some looked like mutants but most were hidden by the armor they wore.
They marched you past the army and into the building.  As you made your way past the dark brush by the entrance, you could of sworn you had heard a stick snap not far off.  Stopping, you peered into the bushes, squinting.  "Move it runt!"  Saber tooth said, dragging you inside.  He clearly didn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary.  You struggled to keep your eyes on the spot a moment more.  You could of sworn you had seen a glimpse of red between the leaves.  Then again, maybe you were just imagining what you were looking for.

A/N: Well I worked on this all week.  Hope you enjoyed.  With school starting back up, I've fallen kinda behind in my writing schedule.   I will try to write more as soon as possible.  The Genosha part is based off the Deadpool video game and the Sabretooth and Deathstrike part form the Wolverine vs Hulk movie.  Stay flawless!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon (raccoons are fluffy babies who deserve to be loved)

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