A/N: Poll Results!!! (Drumroll plz)

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A/N: Ok, the poll was almost anonymous: Y/N is now a mutant.  For those who didn't want her to be a mutant, don't worry!  She won't use the power often.  Mostly because she won't know how to use it.  However, the hard part was deciding what powers she was to get. 
I decided to base her powers off her situation.  Because she gained the powers while her adrenaline was up and oxygen was lowered, her brain was largely affected: lack of air, stress, ect.

So her powers will be.... drumroll please.... BRAIN WAVES... Allow me to explain:
It's not quite telakenisis because she can't read other's minds but she can move objects/manipulate/control them.  That also rules out other human control.  Because her nerves were mutated, she can control other's nerves.

Ex: Y/N is captured.  She uses her newfound powers to unlock her electronic handcuffs by sending a brain wave to interrupt the electronic signal.  Walking toward the door, she decides to open the simple handle with her power cause why not.  Seeing guards outside she closes the door and locks it.  Seeing no other exits, she manipulates the wall into an exit and slips out.
However, her power has a limit.  Especially since it's untrained.  Manipulating things like the wall cause the most energy while simple brainwave disruptions on electronics is easier.  Controlling physical things like the door handle is in the middle.

A/N in an A/N: Thanks for sending in your votes!  Hope you understand and approve of her powers!  I'll be writing the chapter as soon as I can!  I tried to base her powers off the situation like I said earlier.  Like for Wade he was fighting cancer and lack of air was making his body shut down.  He needed to heal faster so he was mutated into having an amazing healing factor.  Hope you understand!  Love you all!
~ <3 <3 ApocalypseRaccoon  (My tea bag just opened up into my tea ;-;)

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