Starting the Battle

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As you four were walking up to the ruins, Negasonic suddenly furrowed her brow and turned towards Wade who was next to you. "Hey." Wade stopped. "Where's your duffel bag." Both you and Wade's eyes widened. "Sh*t!" You both said. Quickly Wade dialed his phone. "Who you calling?... How are you calling?" "Dopender, textured gloves." Wade replied as he lifted the phone to his ear.

You watched as Wade paced around, waiting for someone to pick up. "Maybe he's following the law this time?" You suggested. "No texting and driving?" Wade walked over to Negasonic and poked her in the ear. As she shoved his hand away, Wade stomped his foot. "God damm*t!" Turing to you he said. "Were gonna have to do this the old fashion way. With two swords and maximum effort." He cracked his neck.

You pulled out both your guns and rolled your shoulder. "Got it boss." Wade clicked his tongue and pointed off to the side. "Cue the music." You cold almost imagine a really cool song playing as you walked toward the crumbling structure. As you entered the shadow of the structure, suddenly men with guns in all black faced you.

Wade and you stopped as the final few men ran up to the front and crouched, aiming at your heads. "Wade Wilson!" A faraway voice yelled. All of your head looked up to the top of the stucture and focused on a very tiny Francis. He held open his arms. "What's my name?"

You glanced over at Wade, slightly concerned. You didn't want him to get cocky now and wreck your chances of saving Vanessa. "Ohhhhh I'm going to F*ckin spell it out for ya." Wade said in a low growl. You looked back up to see Steroid-girl walk up to him. "Superhero landing!" Wade said as he tapped you and Colossus on the shoulder. "She's going to do a superhero landing! Wait for it!" Negasonic's frown deepened and she edged away from.

You continued to watch the girl, seeing her jump off the edge and land exactly like Wade predicted. "Hmm!" You said nodding. You and Wade clapped. "Whooo! Superhero landing!" Wade said. "You know that's really hard on your knees." He said turning in your direction. You nodded. "Yea but imagine how underwhelming it would be to see one of your enemies parachute down."

"Totally impractical but they all do it." Wade added as the girl walked towards you. "Your a lovely lady but I'm saving myself for Francis." Wade said to her. Then he pointed at Colossus. "That's why I brought him!" Colossus walked towards her. "I prefer no to hit a women so please play-" Steroid girl hit him square in the jaw, making him fly over you. You quickly ducked and turned around to see him fall flat on his face. You cringed as he slid across the gravel.

"I mean... that why I brought her?" Dead looked at you. "Dude, I mean you want me to shoot her in the face?" Wade shook his head. "Your're right. The audience would hate such a lame fight." You both turned and looked at Negasonic. She lifted her finger as she types something on her phone. "Oh no. Finish you're tweet." Then he turned to steroid girl. "J-Just give us a second."

Negasonic sent her tweet and you felt your phone buzz. She tossed her phone to Deadpool. "There you go hashtag it." You looked at the screen. "Awww you friended me!" You read her newest post. 'Lol at fight scene with Dudepool and Y/N. Colossus just face-planted. Take about a new low. Got to go teach him whose the cool one now. #alwaysbetter #alwaysflawless' "Go get her tiger." Wade said as Negasonic powered up.

You grinned as Negasonic ran at Steroid girl, burning off her coat in the process. She threw her opponent into a nearby crate, denting it. "Oh I so pity the dude who pressures her into prom sex." Wade said sympathetically. You nodded in agreement.

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