Island Nights Aren't That Bad

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okay i know u think this is weird title, but pls trust me and read this, it's funny and romantic xD

No this can't be happening! The airplane crashed in the middle of nowhere? Where the fuck am I?
Wait? Island?

Okay god, i know I'll never survive here. At least i should try to find somebody.

You think "Why isn't she freaking out?"

Well, now the last thing i should do is freak out. So i should keep looking for the people who were on the plane.

After 15 mins of walking around,i saw a tall boy walking towards me. Who the heck was this?Okay calm down, let's see who's this. Here we go.

"Hey. " I said. He got a little bruise on his left cheek. He had a messy brown hair, tall, slim. He was really cute.But i really think i know him from somewhere.

" Hey, I'm Devon. " He said. God i know him, still can't remember.

" Hey, I'm y/n. " I said back looking curiously at him with one raised eyebrow. Still trying to remember who he is.

" Um, why are you looking at me like that? " He asked waving his hand in front of my face. " What? I'm looking at you? No. Uh sorry. I think I know you from.. somewhere. " I said.He smiled.

" Of course you know me. Greg's older brother.. Leo in Being Erica..." He said. Holy fuck. Yes. Devon Bostick. "Holy..Sorry I didn't know. Oh and one thing, since we're here don't act like you're my older brother, and don't try to protect me cuz I'm smart. " I said looking around and trying to hide my blushing cheeks. I mean cmon, he's so cute. Ugh why am i acting so weird..?

"What? " He asked raising his eyebrows. I knew that i shouldn't have said this. "Nothing, I'm still confused from what happened." I said. He sighed. "Yeah, i am too. At least we're not hurt. " He said as we started walking around.

"You have a little bruise on your cheek. " " Oh really? Where? " He asked. " Right here. " I said and touched softly his bruise. " Oh yeah, but i dont have anything to put on it. " He said.

" Don't worry it's not that bad. " I said. He nodded. " So, do u have something left with you from the crash? " He asked me. I shook my head. He nodded again. The good thing was that we were both calm.

" Why don't we find some place to rest and we'll deal with the situation in the morning? " He asked. " Yeah, that's a good idea." I said and started looking around for some place to stay the night.

After 10 mins of trying to find a good place for sleeping, we found a tree house.

"Oh, someone was here. " Devon said.
" Yeah, i bet. " I said looking up. He looked at me and smiled. " Let's go up there . let me help you. " He said and I took his hand. We climbed on the tree house,and looked around. It was small with 1 bed.

" I guess we must sleep together. " I said. " Only if you're comfortable with me.." He whispered. I looked at him. "yeah don't worry." I said and smiled.

"Are you hungry? " He asked me. " Nope, wbu? " I asked. " No, not really. "He said.

" I still can't understand how did this happened. " I said looking at him. " Yeah, me too. I was supposed to go home, i just finished filming Small Time so.. " He said. I smiled.

" You know i watch your movies, but i was in shock so i couldn't really remember.. " I said. He laughed. " Don't worry really. "

" You're an amazing actor. " I said. " Thank you y/n. " He said. " What about you? We talk about me, i really want to know more about you." He said.

"Well there's not much to know about me. I'm still in college. I was heading to Canada because my uncle lives there, i wanted to visit him and bring him some medicine because he's sick and he lives alone." I said. He sighed and nodded. " I understand."

"Want to go swimming? " I asked him sitting up and clapping with my hands. He looked at me as if I was crazy. " It's late. " He said slowly. " Does it look like I care? Since we're here let's have some fun this night instead of thinking what should we do.Plus you're so cute and I have this opportunity to meet you in person. I'm lucky." I said.He laughed so hard at this. "I think that you're a really big fan of mine." He said sitting up.I nodded. We headed to the beach and I took of my clothes.I was only in my underwear. He licked his lips and took of his clothes. Only with his boxers on.

We went inside the ocean. The water wasn't cold. It was really warm and relaxing.

"Oh my.. This is so good. " He said. " I know.. " i said still with my eyes closed.

" Do you have a boyfriend? " Devon asked me. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I shook my head. " Good" He said.Before i could say anything he crushed his wet lips into mine. I was surprised but immediately kissed back. He pulled me closer, our bodies touching. I wrapped my legs around him and he put his hands on my butt.

I held his head really close to mine by holding his neck.

"Why don't we continue this in bed? " He asked.I smiled. " We're wet. " I laughed. " I know, but that can't stop me from fucking you." He said. "Wh-What?" I asked. "Oh my.. sorry i shouldn't have said that." He said.
"No, that's totally fine, but it's weird y know?" I said. He nodded.

He held my hand while walking to the tree house. We got in bed. "Devon.." I started. "Mm?" he murmured.

"We have something to finish.. " I said." I know. " He said. I smiled and got on top of him. He pulled my head down and kissed my neck. Suddenly it started raining really hard. It was really loud. Storm. The thing I'm really afraid of. Something hit the tree house really hard and i screamed. He stopped and hugged me. I layed down next to him naked.

"I'm cold. " I said. He pulled me much closer and kissed my forehead.

" y/n, we know each other just for 3 hours and i already fell head over heels in love with you .When we find help and go home, please will you be my girlfriend? "He asked." Yes i will Devon. I love you too. " I kissed him and we fell asleep.

They survived, went home and Y/N lived with Devon. Everything was perfectly fine for both of them. Like they thought" island nights aren't that bad"...

Hello everyone!! Hope you liked this imagine i know it's weird and maybe it sucks Hahahahahah but idk i find this cute xD thanks for your support!! Stay gold 💗👋

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