I Need Your Help (Rodrick) part 2

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Positive.No.This can't be true. I'm still in high school. What would Rodrick think about this? Is he going to leave me? What should I do?

I can't believe what happened. We had protection. At least he said that. I decided to go to Rodrick's house to tell him. I can't keep this to myself.

I knocked on his door and his mother came out. "Hey Ms.Heffley,I need to see Rodrick." I said, playing nervous with my fingers. She let me in.I made my way to the stairs, but Susan interrupted me.

"Is everything okay? " She asked me. I turned around and smiled politely. " Yes, everything's fine. " She nodded.

I made my way upstairs and stood there in front of his door. Should I tell him? I thought. I have to. He's the father and he must know. I can't hide this. I knocked on the door.

"Mom wait-" He yelled,but i interrupted him by opening the door.He stopped when he saw me.
"Hey babe what are you doing here. " He said walking towards me. He kissed me but u pulled back. " What's wrong?" He asked.  "We have to talk." I said. He looked down at me. " Um okay come sit down."

We sat on his bed and he took my hands in his.  "What's wrong? He asked.

" Look, you remember what happened 1 week ago when i came to his house." I started.  "Yeah, yeah. So?" He smiled.

"Well.. " I started shaking. " y/n what the fuck is wrong just tell me already! "He yelled. " I'm pregnant. " i yelled back. He stood up." You're what? No this isn't true. This isn't true.Do u know that we're only 17?"He asked.

"I'm not the only one who wanted to have sex that night! Why are you blaming me? " I asked throwing my hands. in the air. " I can't believe this. " He said and got out of his room.

Susan's Pov.

Oh my. Y/n is pregnant. I can't believe this. I knew that they slept together that night. Rodrick opened the door quickly and looked at me then ran off.

I went inside his room and saw y/n crying.

" y/n please don't cry sweetheart. " I hugged her. She hugged me back and said. " Why is he blaming me? " still crying. We sat there for god knows how long. " You know Rodrick, he's always like this. We're going to solve this problem. Now please get in Rodrick's bed and go to sleep . I'm not letting you go home because you're parents are out. " I said.  She nodded and she layed down on his bed. I put his blanket over her and stood up. I made my way to the door.

" Susan? " She whispered." Yes sweetie? " I turned around. " Please don't tell my parents. " She said. I nodded. " I won't, I promise. " I said and closed the door behind me. I went downstairs.

" WHAT'S HAPPENING WHERE'S RODRICK? " Greg yelled." Greg, first of all be quiet and second it's late go to bed. " I said. He nodded and went upstairs. " What happened hun?" Frank asked.

"Y/n is pregnant from Rodrick. " I said while rubbing my eyes.

" Are you kidding me? " He asked. I shook my head. " They had sex one week ago,and our crazy son Rodrick didn't used protection and now his girlfriend is carrying their own child in her stomach. " I said.

" I can't believe it. I know he's a teenager but at least he could use protection. " He said. I nodded.

Suddenly the front door opened and we saw Rodrick standing there in the hallway.

" Come here Rodrick. " I said.

Rodrick's Pov.

" Come here Rodrick. " My mom said. I made my way to the living room and sat on the couch next to my parents.

" Look, we know everything. We're not mad because you two are teenagers and we do understand you . you're our oldest son and we're trying to help you. " She said. " I couldn't help it mom, i love her. Every time I'm around her i get excited and i want to, y'know..make love with her. But that night i totally forgot... " I said still looking down.

My mom rubbed my back. " We won't press y/n. You two should decide, the baby is yours. " My dad said. " I know, i know.. " I said. " Where's y/n?  I was really cold with her. Now i feel guilty. " I said. " She's in your room, she's sleeping." My mom said. I sat uo quickly and went upstairs. I opened the door and looked at her how she was sleeping peacefully. Beautiful like always. I got in bed next to her.

"Rodrick? " She whispered. " Yes baby" "I'm sorry." She said. . "Don't be, I'm the one sho needs to apologize, I'm sorry for being a dick to you."  I said and hugged her from behind.  "Don't leave me Rodrick." She said.  I hugged her hard. "I won't. I promise."  I said. And we both fell asleep.

Shhh shhh shhh shhh I know i know it sucks Don't kill me HAHAHHAHAHA.

Heyy guyssss!! Sorry i haven't been active a couple of days but i was on a vacation!! ANYWAYS IM BACK AND I PROMISE I'LL WRITE SOME MORE IMAGINES AND ALSO CHECK OUT MY AND CYNTHIA'S BOOK LOVE IS SACRIFICE!! DEVON'S IN IT 😉😉😉😉

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