Chapter 5

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     Looking around my room I'm surprised to find light spelling out of the windows, and a look at my cold coffee tells me that I fell asleep at my desk last night.

I love coffee, in all its forms but I drew the line at 'left all night to cool', and my growling stomach reminded me that although it's heaven in a cup it's not really food . Especially since I haven't been eating much these past couple of days. Which makes me go searching around the house looking for something to quite the Symphony of hunger playing inside me.

I half expected Damian's men to leap out of the shadows to stop me. They didn't, which made me believe that Damian took Sienna away from here. He knows that I won't attempt escape without her. Sneaky bastard.

Following my nose, leads to a kitchen. Peering inside. I find a dark colored woman washing the dishes . I can't make out her age. Her face has an ageless haunting beauty. She can be thirty or fifty years old. It's anyone's guess.

Feeling awkward just standing there, I knock on the open door to get her attention.

"Oh, hello there. Why are you just standing there come on in. "

Sitting down at the table, I peer around myself, I expected a large industrial kitchen for such a mansion but the warmly decorated space tells me that this kitchen flows with love. Which I immediately like.

" Pancakes or scrambled eggs? " the woman's question makes me groan. " Pancakes, please. " she smiles at me. Offering her hand after drying it, she introduces herself, " Sheila, I'm the housekeeper ." I smile warmly at her, "I'm Nila, nice to meet."

"Now with the pleasantries out of the way, let's put some meat on your bones. " her forwardness shocked a laugh out of me.

" Although I do have meat on my bones I never turn down the opportunity to add more. It's just not in the cards for me. I can eat a tank and not gain a pound. " I retort.

Her eyes narrowed at me while making the batter," I'll take that as a challenge. ",  with a laugh I tell her," Don't mind if you do. "

After a few minutes, she sets in front of me the most amazing pancakes. Ever. To her utter delight I groan after the first bite and mumble a couple of incoherent words.

Chuckling, she pats me on the shoulder and says" I'll leave you to it then."

We don't speak again until I polish my plate and sigh with pleasure. "I haven't eaten like since before 'War lord' Evans caught me"  I say and gasp when I realize I have bad mouthed Sheila's boss right in front of her. She stands frozen for a second then her face cracks and she bursts out laughing. Whipping the tears of mirth from her twinkling eyes she says "oh God. That's a new one. But so fitting." she continues with a couple of girlish giggles.

"Glad you're having fun at my expense, Sheila. " a deep voice interrupts making me stiffen. Although her laughter was cut off. Her face is still alight with mischief.

"At your expense! But who said anything about you, Damian." she says. I stay silent. Biting my lower lip to keep from smiling.

Damian regards me with cold narrowed eyes for awhile before deciding to letting it drop in favor of breakfast. He sits down at the counter and Sheila sets a plate of scrambled eggs in front of him without asking. "Well it was nice meeting you Nila, but I got to go buy some groceries." she says after getting her bag from the counter. As she's leaving the kitchen I mumble a distracted goodbye. All my attention is on the nuclear bomb having breakfast next to me.

Taking the empty plate he puts it in the sink then I have all of his attention again. "I'm going to give you the second black box to work on." He says.

I want to ask him about the files in the first black box, but I'm I'm not suicidal enough at the moment, so I tackle the other more important issue.

"I ..." I Clear my throat a couple of  times to get my vocal cords to actually say the words I'm thinking "I want to see my sister and I'm not going to work on anything else without seeing her."

His eyes silver eyes turn into a raging storm. Stepping close to me, he says "What leverage exactly do you think you have on me? " his tone mocking."Do you really think that I can't kill you and your sister in a second. Your presence here is only for convenience. I can get any other hacker I want, you being quicker than any of them won't matter to me if you are a pain in the ass."

I stay still through his speech, and I can't stay that I'm surprised. I knew all of that but I just had to try and he sees it all in my eyes. So when he walks out the door he does it expecting me to follow. And I do.

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