Chapter 14

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I didn't do it. Damian waited all of one day to come and see what I was doing. He was furious when he came and saw that I didn't start working on the third black box. That when the silent treatment really fell out.

He dragged me into his study where Liam sat waiting for us. He put down the file he was perusing when we entered.

"Are you stupid?" Damian said. Thunder crackling in his eyes. "My patience is at it's end. And you don't want to test me, Warren. "

"What's stupid would be doing everything you want." I replied. "You don't have any leverage on me anymore. Sienna's gone. You can't hurt her."

"You keep forgetting dear old you, Ni" said Liam with thinly disguised amusement. He stood and faced me. "Yes. Your sister got away. but that doesn't mean I can't start breaking every bone in your body until you start seeing things our way".

I smiled at him, "Don't call me Ni" . He growled and made a step towards me but Damian put a restraining hand on his shoulder.

"Although Miss Warren acts like an idiot most of the time. I know that she's quite sound of reason. let's keep violence as a last resort. Set down, both of you." Said Damian.

As the reasonable adult I act like I inclined my head and sat down on one of the armchairs opposite the enormous mahogany desk. Liam scoffed at me but sat down as well.

"Miss Warren_" Damian started. "Yes." I replied tartly. He narrowed his eyes slightly but choose to let it go.I knew it was suicidal to keep baiting him but I just can't help myself. "Do you know what aided your escape the other day?" He asked.

"Other than my brains and quick wit?" I inquired with a smile. "Yes. Other than that." He said with bored indifference. What's wrong with him today. Nothing I say seems to bother him. " You tell me. " I patted my lashes at him leaning forward expectantly.

He smiled and leaned forward as well "Giovani" He said lowering his voice to a whisper as if telling me a secret. I could barely stop myself from recoiling. I forced myself to relax and leaned back slowly scrunching my eyebrows to show my confusion. "What's he got to do with it?"

Liam who remained silent throughout the exchange took over from there. " He sent six of his best men after you. They were about to get in to the house and get you when you ran. We engaged them. " I dug my nails into my palms. God, they were so close. "But," He continued. " two got away. They spotted you and gave chase alongside our men"

I was shacking slightly and I could feel Damian's eyes on me analysing every tremor. "You can thank them for those bruises, by the way" He finished for his brother indicating the almost faded bruise on my right cheek.

"Why are you telling me this now?" I asked through clenched teeth.

"Because I need those black boxes to bring Giovani down. To bring all of them down. If you help me you'll be free of him." He said.

I laughed looking him in the eye, "Yes you'll free me of Giovani but who'll free me of you."

"If you decide to help me you won't be my captive anymore. You'll be my partner we'll be on simi-equal grounds" He said.

"Simi-equal. Wow, that's big of you." I replied sarcastically.

"Don't talk like you are a stranger to the matters of our world. If you work with us you'll be included in our family and as the head of the family all matters are given to me to give the final approval".

I was momentarily speechless, pondering all possibilities. Actually working with Damian. Bringing down the Giovannis and the Knights. Having the protection of the Evans. Not running away anymore.

"I_". I stood up. " I need to think. This isn't an easy decision to make." I said my chest feeling too tight for my galloping heart. Safety for Sienna and me. God, it's so tempting but dancing with the devil is rarely without consequences and it doesn't just end with one dance.

"Liam escort Miss Warren to her room." Damian said dismissing me. Liam took my elbow and let me out the door. When we reached my room he said "We expect an answer tonight at dinner." then he was gone leaving me with my thoughts.

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