Chapter 9

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My dad was a nice guy , a good father, a computer genius . But what he wasn't, was street smart. The Black boxes were a good cause, they really were. But he made them in a dark time in his life, he wasn't thinking clearly after losing mom. When he finally realized what will happen to us if he took them to the police , it was too late. The mafia already knew about their existence. So we ran and ran some more until they killed him.

I wish I could hate him for it but I can't because I know why he did it . He loved mom .

"Are you done, Warren?" A voice interrupted.

Gee, I wonder who that may be. "Yes, I'm done, I just need to find the hidden code in the box before handing it over." I answer without looking at him.

We are quiet for a while. Then I feel his hand on my shoulder, "Do you think I believed you last night?" He whispered in my ear. No I don't. "I only told you the truth".

He laughs, "I don't doubt what you said, its what you didn't say that's in question".

I stand quickly shacking his hand off my shoulder. "I don't know what this has to do with my work. I'm here to hack into the black boxes not to let you hack into my personal life."

We're almost nose to nose, or in this case, nose to chest because the bastard is so tall. "Why so defensive, Hacker" He says with a sardonic half smile.

"Because I'm sick to death of your probing, your threats and quite frankly everything about you." I say trying to rein in my temper.

"So you want me to back off", his tone is understanding.

"Yes" I say with exacerbation.

"Not gonna happen, so carrying on." He says and I swear to God I'm two steps away from smashing the keyboard on his stupid head, "What would make a Giovani kill someone you care about, well the Knights killed your father ," I felt an invisible knife slash into my stomach with that one, but he was with the callous disregard of a surgeon, "but the Giovani's were very neutral towards your family".

Yes, so neutral that they want me as the "last of their line" to marry their second in command in order to enable him to rule through me.

"Damian, you either want me to finish what you brought me here to do or not. This conversation is ..." But I got cut off by Liam entering the room.

"Surprise, Surprise. Look who's fighting again"

"Not fighting," Damian says,"we're just having a chat."

"Uh huh," Liam says without much conviction. "So what's this 'chat' about?"

"Nothing important really," Damian says, "I was just gonna tell Nila about school starting next week, and how if she want's to I can enroll Sienna this semester." My stomach hit the floor with each word.

I thought it over in my head. I need to figure something out quickly. "That's called blackmail". That's all you could come up with. Ugh. So, stalling.

"Who says I'm above blackmail", he says. No one apparently.

"Okay" I say simply.

"Okay!" He repeats.

"I'll tell you everything you want just as soon as I see my sister and you give me your word that she starts school next week." I say. A mafia man's word is his law, they don't break it. Ever. That's why my mother's breaking off the engagement started a war. So, It's a good thing I'm only half Mafia.

It only takes about 10 minutes for Damian to bring me Sienna. As soon as I glimpse her pretty eyes shining with tears I'm on my knees and engulfing her with a suffocating embrace.

"Are you all right, darling?" I whisper in her hair. I feel her nodding into my shoulder.

Mindful of Damian behind me I lower my voice even more. "Do you know where they're keeping you?"

"That's enough for now", Liam says and pulls Sienna gently by her shoulder away from me. She shrugs him off and runs back to me. "Here, separate house" She says so low I can barely hear her, but I do. Separate house that means either the caregiver's quarters or the guest house.

Liam moves to take her again but I glare at him. Try that again and see how it goes, I dared him silently. "Hush, sweetheart. It's okay, you'll get out of here soon, you know, school is starting next week" I say in a normal soothing voice.

The happy glint in her eyes tells me she understood. I nod at her, that's right baby, we're getting the hell out of here.

I'm not stupid, I've been planning my escape since I got here I've just been waiting to find out Sienna's location, and now I'll just wait for the pieces to fall into place.

Until you {uncompleted} Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat