Spoilers And Promises

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Hey lovely girls and guys of course.
I'm here to make you a promise. To you and to myself honestly.
I will set down and force myself to write as much as possible.
You will get at the very least two chapters a month.
Although I'm sure as soon as I force myself to open the app and face this story and my ability to write it I will write much more than that. So you are free to call me every awful word in the book if I don't follow through.

P. S. I have half of the next chapter already written.
I already told you I have things planned out but suddenly the characters take on a mind of their own and new events come out that even I'm not aware of.
The next chapter is kind of like that.
It has guns and the badass side of Nila you like.
Inspired by a picture. I will post it with the chapter.

Until you {uncompleted} Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt