Chapter 34 : Damien POV

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Damien POV
Light snoring echoed from beside me. I smiled. Let her sleep. She's probably exhausted. I took in her long thick lashes resting on her cheeks. I frowned. She's thinner now than she used to be when I first found her. Her cheeks more hollow.

Her chocolate dark eyes opened slowly and caught mine. " Hey Dai. You know it's creepy to watch someone sleep. Right?" she snarked.

"Just thinking up ways to get rid of you before the wedding." I snarked right back. She grinned and patted my arm. "You're never getting rid of me now. I'm the new Gio. It's not easy to get rid of a Giovanni. And it's even harder to get rid of me. "

After many long discussions we decided that in order to keep the peace that we had to discuss most decisions between us so we'll be able to give a united front and to prevent any future fractions. I could already tell Nila is going to be one hell of an ally. That is as soon as she stops keeping secrets from me.

She's starting to trust me even if she can't see it I can. In her little condescending pats, the elbowing and pinching. She's a very physical person. I wonder how she'd feel when....

I gimaced and slapped her fingers. "Stop doing that, if you keep it maybe I'll start pinching you right back." I challenged with a raised eyebrow. " You were getting distracted" She huffed and looked out the window.  Actually that wasn't such a bad idea. Pinching her. Feeling her warm soft skin. Hell. I need to snap out of it.

We were almost at the house when her phone rang. We both frowned at it. I finally returned it to her a few days ago and this is the first time it rang since I took her. She hadn't even used it once since I gave to her. She's smart enough to know that I won't return it to her without it being bugged. The screen said it was an unknown number. " Put it on speaker." I told her.
She glared at me but did as I said.
"Nila." came the panicked voice of a man.
"Rick." she gasped, " What happened? What's wrong?"
" I think someone found out I had Sienna." Rick said fear evident in his voice. "I caught someone following me home from work and that night there was a suspicious  car in front of the house. I didn't wait around to ask them what they wanted. I took Sienna and took off out the back yark and the neighbor's house. But I can still feel someone at my back. I don't think she's safe with me anymore, Nila. I'm sorry."

Nila swallowed hard then took a deep breath. I could almost see the wheels shifting in her head. "Okay, Rick. Don't worry I've got you. Give me a few minutes and I'll call you back."

The car slowed down and came to a halt in front of the house. She swong to look at me. "Damien..." she started but I cut her off. Let's go inside and we'll talk. "But..." she tried again but I was already heading inside with a volcano at my back. My cute dragon doesn't like to be ignored.

"Damien. You will give me your word..."

"A huh" I mumbled to piss her off heading towards the study. I took a decanter and started pouring a drink.

" I God damn know that you have the fucking  cellphone bugged. You will not.. You... Look at me when I'm talking to you!" she took the decanter and threw it at the wall showering everything including us in glass and whiskey. I smiled. I shoved her at the wall and kissed her. She gasped and I tangled my tongue with hers. She took all the fight in her and threw it into the kiss clinging to my neck. We were shoving and clutching at each other like we were drowning. I gentled my touch and smiled into her mouth. "Now. Are you still angry or can we talk."

She punched me in the stomach. I huffed.
"Don't do that again," she warned.
I wiped at my lips, "As you wish." I retorted with a devlish smile.
"Don't try to be Westley, you're not half the man he is." she drawled.
"And you'll never be buttercup, little girl. You're barely Vizzini".

She glared." And you're the spitting image of Fezzik. And I am not short. You're the one who's too God damn tall. "
We were both glaring daggers at each other when the door slammed open.

" Hey guys! What the hell are you doing? I could hear you yelling from my room. " said Liam.

Nila's eyes flashed red and she took another decanter from the bar and threw it at his head. He barely ducked in time. " Apparently there's some pre wedding tension going on. I'll leave you to it." he said and made his escape.

" You're brother talks too much." She told me in a reasonable tone. Then turned and sat cross legged on my desk. I blinked. If I didn't know any better I'd say it was like someone doused a burning fire but despite the outwards calm I could see the fire alive in her eyes.

" Damien. I will not issue any threats I won't tell you I'll gladly say no tomorrow if you so much as think of going after Sienna. I won't say it. You'll give me your word right now that you'll never use my sister against me and you'll protect her as if she's your own. Right. God. Damn. Now! " she gritted out.

I leaned into her until there were mere inches between ower faces." And I won't tell you that in one call I could have her here and you'd still say yes cause you'd do anything for her. I. won't. say. it. "

She dug her nails into her palms but I took them and pried them out. Gently massaging the small crescent moons she made into her skin.

" What I'm going to say is that now for better or worst we're going to be partners. And protecting you means protecting your loved ones. And as soon as 'Rick' called I sent a text to Lucas to get Sienna. I won't let you or your sister fall into anybody else's hands. Your mine. "

Tears were slowly making their way down her cheeks and I wiped at them with the pad of my thumb. I kissed her forehead gently. Like she was about to shatter at any moment. " Go and get some sleep we still have a lot to do tomorrow. "

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