Chapter 13

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It had been three days since Damian caught me. He kept me locked into my room with two guards posted outside. When I woke up that day I was terrified that he would hurt me. I was pretty sure that He was about to kill me but all he did was go and get a doctor to treat my injuries. A few scraps and bruises, a nasty bump on my forehead, Karma's a bitch by the way, and bruised ribs.

What surprised me the most was that he barely even spoke to me. After the doctor was gone He calmly ordered a couple of his goons to take the computer and all the equipment from my room then he locked the door when they were done and left me all alone. It was driving me crazy. I was worried about Sienna. I had no idea what Damian had in store for me. Maybe that's his plan. I thought, gazing into the gardens through my window. Just to let me stew, imagining all the horrible things he would do to me. Torture. Death. Worse.


God! If this goes on for much longer I'll truly go insane. My only form of communication for the past ten days was with the silent guards and the Spanish maid who refuses to speak to me even though I wouldn't understand anything if she did. I tried to remain calm I really did but it was impossible. I took hold of my dinner plate, just delivered by the god damn mute and hurled it at the wall. I knew it was childish I just didn't care. And like a child in a tantrum I was ignored. I screamed in frustration. I couldn't go on like this. Something's got to give or I will.


I tried to close my eyes. Just don't look at it for God's sake I tried to tell myself . Feeling my eyes twitch I took a little peek then closed them. When I opened them again I tried to look at anything but the only thing in the world I couldn't resist but every time I tried I felt my eyes drawn there.

The SOB is smart. It was like trapping a drug addict with a bag of cocaine.

Yesterday, I was alone as usual when the door opened and in comes the War lord himself with all of the equipment he took earlier. It didn't take long to set it up. when his goons were done they left us alone. It has been ten days since I last saw him but he still didn't speak to me. He just smiled, took a prettily wrapped box from his pocket and put it on the desk.

"what's that?" I asked him not daring to move towards it. He grinned and said "Have fun, Warren" before going out.

I approached the desk warily. With a little tug on the ribbon the box unfolded. I gasped. The third black box.

Until you {uncompleted} Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora