Chapter 38

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The party was winding down and I excused myself for a minute before saying goodbye to everyone.

A whispered voice halted me on my way back. The urgent way they were speaking  drove me down the hallway. "She needs to go. Tomorrow." said a man.

"It's too soon. It'll look suspicious. " another voice replied.

I inched closer careful not to make any sound. That sounded like Lucas. Last I saw him he was checking on security.

"No. Things are moving too quickly already. You saw what happened. " Damien said. What the hell was he talking about.

"Damien. I'm not saying you're wrong but you need to tell Nila. She'll be completely blindsided."

My heart was beating so loud I was sure they were about to hear it any second. What is he doing? What has he been hiding from me.

"Leave her to me. I know when and what to tell her. Sienna gets on a plane tomorrow. No one knows where she's headed. No one. Got it!" he demanded.

No. No. No. Nila you idiot. I should never have trusted  that bastard. What good has ever come from trusting any man let alone a mafia man. Shit. I'm going to kill him. I need to calm down. I need to think I told myself. You're done for you shithead.


After all the guests left we returned home. I went back to my room, took a shower and changed into one of those silk shorts and camisole pajamas. First I went in and checked on Sienna. She was already changed and in bed so I kissed her goodnight and left. No one was  ever going to harm her while I was still alive and drawing breath.

I went down to the kitchen and prepared a dinner tray from the leftovers Shiela stored in the fridge and headed to Damien's room. I balanced the tray with one hand and carefully opened the door with other.

"Nila." he said. "You should try knocking sometime." He was setting on the king size bed in the middle of the room. His room was huge decorated in shades of royal blue and white. Simple yet elegant. He was still wearing his suit but without the jacket and tie which he had thrown on the floor. His shirt was half buttoned and his hair was messy like he might have kept running his fingers through it. He was also holding a gun. His lit tablet lay discarded beside him.

I smiled sweetly at him closing the door behind me. "I didn't see you eat anything. I brought you dinner."

He raised his damned eyebrow at me. "Really. Who died and made you the perfect wife." I laughed. He slipped the gun under the pillow again and stood up.

"Not perfect. But still you're wife. Like it or not" I told him. "Maybe I like it."  He taunted and took the tray from me placing it on the table out on the balcony. I followed him and sat beside him. He took one bite and replaced his knife and fork back on the table. "Nila." he sighed. "It's cold."

I snatched the knife and placed it at his throat. "Just like you're about to become a cold dead body. Yeah it's cold. "

"Nila!" he growled. "What the fuck are you doing?"

He tried to stand but I dragged the knife closer to his skin drawing blood. "Good thing your kitchen staff keeps all the knives extra sharp." I told him. "I checked."

He just regarded me with a stone cold glare. "Now. My dear husband. Where were you going to take Sienna tomorrow?"

He regarded me blankly. "This is what this is about." he sighed then in a quick move grapped my wrist and tore my hand away from his neck. I lunged at him with the knife again and in two seconds the knife was on the floor and he had me on his shoulder. I beat my fists on his back and kicked at him with my legs but it was no use. He was a solid wall of muscles. He acted like he barely felt any of it.

"This is what you get for listening at closed doors." he threw me on the bed and grapped his tie off the floor.

"Don't you dare." I yelled as he tied my wrists together with it. I kicked at him with my legs and he just ignored me. When he was done he turned around and headed for the door.

"Where are you going? Get back here."  I screamed at him. He stopped at the door and glanced back at me. There was a gleam in his eyes I didn't like. He walked over to me slowly like a mountain lion stalked prey. When he reached me he pushed me aside and grabbed the gun he left under the pillow. "Wouldn't want to leave you with something this dangerous now would we?" he said and slammed the door shut behind him on the way out.

Author's note
I love you guys. 😍
In these difficult times, please take care of yourselves and stay safe. 😇

Soooo. What do you think? 
What will happen?
Why did Damien do this? 😔
Will she forgive him?
Let me know what you think. I'm always willing to listen.

And I've got something for you. I know you got sick of me publishing randomly. You have no idea  when and if I'll post the new chapter soooo that's about to change.
I'll post a new Chapter every Friday. Yayyyy 🎉🎉
What do you guys think? 🤔

Vote. Comment.  ❤️
Love, always.

Until you {uncompleted} Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora