Chapter 28

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The words barley left his mouth before a  shot rang out. "Shit".
Our guards engaged them trying to give us time to slip away. Suddenly two other cars showed up in front of us from a side road.
"What the fuck?" Shouted Liam.
"A set up. That's what the fuck this is." I shouted right back. Pissed off. Then I decided not to hide any more. I slipped off my shoes then opened the window.
"Nila! No, don't do it. Shit" he tried to pat me back down. I punched in the gut.
"Don't worry. Just no matter what you do, don't drive straight until I tell you to that'll give them a straight shot at me."

"How do you plan on shooting anything while I'm zigzaging trying not to get you shot you God damn idiot." he hissed between tightly clenched teeth.

"I told you, don't worry about it. Just drive pretty boy."

I boosted myself up and out the window my bare feed getting better traction on the seat.
Liam started swerving the car and I've got to give it to him he's good with a car. I start shooting randomly at first returning fire forcing them to retreat back inside the cars to be able to get to my plan. Not really caring if I hit them or not at this point. Then I focus again. Lock my legs in place and take a deep breath. "Straighten out now" I yell at Liam hoping he'll hear me over the wind and the roof of the car just to be sure. And miraculously he does straighten the car perfectly and just in time before they poke their heads back up giving me a clear shot. I hit one of their back tires causing the car to flip off the road taking the other one with it just not before a shot gets me in the shoulder. Liam was barley able to swerve to the side avoiding the collision.
I fall back inside clutching my bleeding shoulder. He does a double take. "You're fucking insane."
"I know pretty boy. Just floor it. There is more coming" I pant looking into the rearview mirror. Hell, even that little movement caused me to wince, my shoulder is burning. Guess I'm not wonder woman after all.

More shots rain down on us. We both duck our heads. I start thinking of ways to get out of this mess. My head going into a million direction when it becomes suddenly clear.

"Liam I think you should pull up."

"Wait! What? Hell no."

"If you don't they'll blow up the car with us in it. Can't you see they're aiming for the gas tank."

"Oh shit." he said. Then went quiet trying to figure out away to get us out of this in one piece. Then suddenly he pointed "There! We can lose them in those trees. This forest edges a lake. We used to go there alot when we were younger. So I know this area well."

"This might actually work. I'll call Damien. Have him meet us there." I told him warming up to the idea.

"Yes. There's a short cut. He'll get there faster with his car and we'll stale them on foot." he said then worry takes over his face. "Can you run, Nila? Your shoulder looks pretty bad."

I scoff at him. "This little cut. Meh. I can keep up with any pace you set, kiddo."

"I hope so." He said. Then put the car in park and we took off.

Author's note

Hey guys another short chapter.
I'm trying. Hope you like it.
No pic yet cause I postponed the scene until the kids are safe again. It has something to do with something Nila bought from Milo without Liam noticing. What do you think it is? Who is it for?
Share your thoughts. I'm ready to listen. Or read really.
Don't forget to give the chapter a star.
And it won't hurt if you mention this to your friends. Will it 😉?
Love as always.

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