Chapter 21

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15 minutes later, I got out of the bathroom after taking a shower to find Damian sitting on my bed.

I was so startled to find him there that the towel I was using to dry my hair dropped to the floor. I thanked God for getting dressed before coming out while I stood there gaping at him.

He stood up slowly then sauntered over.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him then bent down to pick up the towel.

He halted me mid-motion by grapping my hand.

"You ran," he stated calmly, his voice a soft deceptive caress. "Don't you think it's stupid when a prey tries to run from a predator. It's rather pointless. It doesn't do anything except amplify the predators urge to hunt."

"Hunt!" I faked a laugh. " really? I know that you're quite awful but even you wouldn't resort to cannibalism."

He lifted one eyebrow at me mockingly. "That's a lovely idea. And even if you weren't already tough to swallow, I'd chock on your funny bone. Which surfaces every time you're afraid or nervous right along with your sarcasm."

He gentled his hold a bit and looked at me with sincerity. "I know you're scared. When you told me the truth about yourself. That took bravery. Now I need something much more difficult from you."

"And what's that?"

"Trust. I need you to trust me. You came to me out of desperation. Because you wanted this to end. To see this through you need to trust me."

I turned away from him and walked to the window.

"I do not trust you, Damian. I don't think I ever will." I turned and rested my back against the cool glass of the window.

"But there is one thing I trust about you. That is that your word is your law."

"I've never broken a promise I've ever made. And Nila, you have my word that I will protect you." He paused and came closer then he put his hand on my shoulder. "Especially," he went on looking into my eyes waiting for my reaction. " especially from Xavier Knight".

At the mention of Xavier's name I jerked away from him, but he held me fast.

"You turned out to be such a surprise, Nila. A treasure chest, really. But instead of gold I keep finding a secret after another."

"Stop. Just stop" I couldn't stop the panic from spreading inside me. I pushed him away put he wouldn't move.

"How do you think I will protect you from your enemies if I don't know what you did to them?"

I looked at him in desperation, " Just stop. I don't want to talk about it."

"Tough shit", he said "I would have thought this would have been easier to talk about . At least you didn't kill Xavier like you killed Ross."

"You think it was easy to kill Ross!" I shouted at him. " For three weeks afterward every time I thought about it I threw up. But a gun is cold it puts a certain distance..." I stopped myself. " Look who I'm explaining this to. You probably know all about it."

"Yes. You're right a gun does have a certain detachment .... Unlike shards of glass. "

I looked at him with eyes wide with fury, "You already know what happened. Why are you making me go through this?"

"Because I want to hear it from you? Tell me how it happened."

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