Chapter 8

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     Everything he said and did since he wrapped his fingers around my neck seems controlled but somehow looking into his eyes I knew that he isn't in control of himself and that's what's really scaring me. I know that he won't kill me right now because he needs me. But I know that whatever he has in store for me if I don't give him a straight answer is going to make me beg for death.

"Revenge, " I manage to say after a few attempts. My throat feels like I swallowed sandpaper for lunch.

" Revenge!" He scoffs, "What could you have done to warrant the revenge of a Giovanni".

I push at him and he finally let's me go, so I lean on the wall for support as I say without much emotion. "Because I killed Ross Scalzo ".

Ross Scalzo. The name is etched into my brain. I first heard from my mother's lips. Right before he killed her. The right hand man of Sebastian Giovanni-my grandfather- he was the son of Sebastian's best friend and he was the closest thing to a family he had left.

Although I targeted him with the intention of killing him, it was anything but in cold blood. I had no choice. He was always closing in on me and Sienna. Apparently he and my mother were taught everything they knew about survival tactics and fighting they learned from his father. And most of the things I knew were from mom, so it made sense that he was always closing in.

I tracked him one day to a cemetery. Where my mother was buried. The cemetery was empty, it was raining heavily that day.

I pulled out my gun and approached him. He sensed me and turned. He smiled, "You know, you look exactly like she did when she was your age."

I held my anger in check and said in a deceptively steady voice." You were her best friend, how could you? ".

He shrugged," She betrayed the family, what did she expect a medal. ", His voice softened a little." I did her a favor, Xavier was closing in on her. She dealt his pride a deadly blow. He wouldn't have made the end easy for her. "

I was almost crying but took hold of myself," Did you know I was there, that I  saw you kill her. ".

He said," I knew someone was hiding in the closet, I didn't want to check knowing that I would have to kill whoever I found. "

My face was once again made of stone when I told him," Then you made the biggest mistake of your miserable life. " And I shot him in the chest three times. Just like mom. And left the gun without my fingerprints, lying next to him. It used to belong to my mother. It was a message.

Damian shaking me brought me out of the memory." Don't lie to me. My Intel gathered that he died in retaliation. "

I summarized it by telling him that Ross killed someone I cared about. Not unbelievable since his list of killings was rather extensive. And described what I did in the cemetery.

He still looked a little sceptical but got more convinced when I told him, "Why else would old Gio be looking for me?" I had several answers to my question but refrained from saying anything.

He gave a speculative glance but decided to drop it for now. I almost collapsed with relief when he let go of me.

He continued to argue with Liam for a while. Then decided to tell him how he spent the last couple of days. It was what I expected but it still made my stomach turn. He burned down a few of the Knights warehouses. Raided their clubs and stole a huge amount of drugs that will cripple the Knights drug operation for weeks.

Although I shuddered at the things he did, I'm not completely sinless. I'm in part as much of a monster as He is. Although our reasons for killing are different most of the time the fact remains that I've killed men before.

Trying to shift my train of thought, I interpret Damian by demanding the first black box.

Looking at me he asks with the usual infuriating raised brow "why?". So I tell about the complications that I came across.
He told me he'll send it to me.

We are regarding each other in silence until Liam says sarcastically, "Awww look at you two, you can talk civilly without yelling or hitting each other."

We both ignore him, we learned in a short amount of time how to walk around each other. If a situation becomes dangerous we lash out at one another but when it calms down we tread lightly and with caution. I know, we are practically best friends. Le Sigh.

I turn to leave and he tells me He wants the second black box as soon as possible, I nod and leave.

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