Chapter 19

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And then came Liam. Clapping.

I groaned. "Seriously!" I turn to Damian. "Give me your gun, it well take just a minuet".

"Liam, stop being an idiot." Damian said then stood up, "and prepare everything. Although we're following the 'peaceful' route that doesn't mean everybody else will".

"Already on it." Liam answered.

Damian nodded then he turned to me, "If we're doing this we need to do it fast. Tomorrow we'll both go to the courthouse in order to obtain the marriage licence. Then we'll get married on Saturday. A small private ceremony ..."

"Wait." I interrupted, "Saturday? That's three days from now. That's too soon."

"Soon for what? Things are already getting bad. The knights are preparing for war. War. It's not going to be a simple bid for power it'll be a full out bloody war. You know that. That's why you suggested this in the first place. We need to move as quickly as possible." He looked me directly in the eye. "Are you already having second thoughts?"

I kept our eyes locked rising my eyebrow slightly, "Would it do me any good?"

"No" He said, grey eyes like shards of ice.

"Thought so." I stood up and started towards the house but stopped and turned back. "And no. No second thoughts. I already made up my mind".

"Then why did you ask?" Liam said.

I smiled and walked away.


Author's note

So so sorry for the short chapter.

I know you've been waiting for a while now.

But seriously the next events are in my head and I know where the story's going. The problem is in putting it down in writing. Fellow authors, have you had this problem before? How do you get pass it?

💔 Again sorry guys. Hopefully the next chapters will go on more smoothly.

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