Chapter 41

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I was holed in my room crying my eyes out after saying goodbye to Sienna. She boarded the plane an hour ago. I reminded myself that now she'll be safe and she'll get to stay in one place, make new friends and keep them. She'll be fine. She'll finally be able to live the normal life she's supposed to.

Liam walked in with a box of tissues and a tentative smile. "Here I thought you might need more of those." I turned away. He sat down beside me on the couch and put his hand on my shoulders. "Come on. Nila. You're tougher than that sweetheart."

I sniffed. "Crying doesn't mean I can't kick your ass."

"You can only try kido." he laughed. I wrinkled my nose. "You can't be two years older than me. Kido? Really!"

"You know what they say. A day older. A year wiser." he said.

I felt another surge of tears coming and he handed me the box without a word. He just tucked me to his side and let me cry.

"I knew it was selfish and childish but when I hugged her that last time I didn't want to let go. She's all I have left." I told him after a while.

He patted my shoulder gently. "Nila. You're not alone anymore. You have us. For better or worse we're a family and I mean it."

I looked at the rings encircling my fingr and remembered what I told Sienna. I guess it was true. And the thing is it was my idea to marry Damien and to come out as the Giovanni heir. I took a leap of faith in a desperate time and suddenly when it all got too real I chickened out. Damien was right. I should have known better. "Trust doesn't come easily to me, Liam. I... "

"You push people away using sarcasm and sheer pig headedness." he intrupted. "But you need to know something about us Evans since you're one of us now. We never give up. We decide on something, we do it. It doesn't matter who we have to kill or how many buildings we burn in the process. What we want we get. The world be damned. And when we give our word we never break it. " he raised an eyebrow at me.

" I know that. I knew that if Damien gave his word he never breaks it. It's just that... Well. There's no better way of saying this. I fucked up. I got scared. Freaked out. Call it what ever you like. But I don't think he'll forgive me easily. I honest to God went and insulted his honor. I thought he was tricking me and I thought he might harm my sister who he promised to protect." I told him.

" And you drew blood," he said. "Literally. He didn't say anything but I don't think he cut himself shaving." I bit my bottom lip in guilt.

"Yeah. That's what I figured."

I drew back and gave him a warm smile. "Thank you. Liam. For the talk."

He shrugged and stood up. "Don't mention it sweetheart. After the high speed car chase we've been through together this is nothing."

I laughed and threw one of the cushions at his retreating back.

Standing outside Damien's study made me feel like an idiot. Come on. You did something stupid. Own up to it. Hell it wasn't just stupid it was more of a cluster fuck that anything else. You know it. Everyone knows it. So come on. Move.

The ice cream was starting to melt. Shit. I knocked on the door and barged in. He did tell me to knock first last time. He didn't say anything about waiting to be invited in though.

He was talking on the phone and looking out the window. I stood in the middle of the room but he didn't even glance my way. I waited and waited but it became evident he was just going to ignore me and continue talking about one of the new buildings he's adding to the New York hotel like I wasn't there. Fuck ice cream. It wasn't my style anyway. I placed the bowl on the desk then marched over to him grabbed the phone and ended the call. He went from zero to a hundred in a second. He was yelling so loud I thought the windows might shatter. The vein in his temple looked like it was about to explode. There I pissed him off again. Better than being ignored. I shrugged to myself. Now how was I going to fix this. I shrugged again. When cornered do the unexpected. Rule number 32 from the nonexistent Nila rule book.

I jumped up and wrapped myself around him like a monkey. He grew quiet. His whole body grew taught. His arms staid at his sides. "What are you doing?" he bit out. I was starting to slip a little so he had to wrap his arms around my back so I wouldn't end up a heap on the floor. I smiled and buried my face in his neck. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Damien. You're right. I was scared. Scared to trust you and rely on you. I fucked up. I don't know how to fix it." I told him then added "I brought you ice cream."

His forehead wrinkled and he lowered me to the ground gently. "You fucked up because you brought me ice scream?" he asked incredulous.

"What? No." I said. "Well. Yes. That too. I shouldn't have brought the ice cream. It's freezing outside. You might get sick. Oh never mind."

He was looking at me with a slightly you look crazy but still entertaining kind of way. "And you brought the ice cream for... What was it again?"

"Nothing really. It was something Sienna said. She did it after pulling Keira's hair. As an apology. Bringing the ice cream I meant. Well. The point is."

He laughed. "There is a point in this."

I sobered up. "Yeah. I'm sorry. I should never have doubted you. I should have known better. You're not that kind of man despite all your other faults."

"This is what you consider an apology? Are you gonna start ranking my 'faults' next? " he said with a raised eyebrow.

I shrugged. "I'm not going to lie during my apology. It kinda defeats the purpose. Adding a sin on top of another one." I swallowed down the rest of my rambling. "Will you forgive me?" I asked.

"I don't know" he taunted. "Should I?"

"I know what I did was..."

"Stupid. Immature. Blood thirsty."

I bit my lip. "I was gonna say bad but yeah all of that."

He looked at me for a few minutes without saying anything then went around and sat on his desk. "I had them prepare the room next to you. It's filled with all the equipment you might need to open the black boxes. You might want to focus on finding a way to get rid of Xavier fast. He's getting more bold every day."

I looked at him then nodded. "If you don't want to talk about this right now then okay. I'll get back to work. I'll let you know what I find." I spun around on my heals and closed the door softly behind me.

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