Chapter 16

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I was about to launch into another one of my lies when the doors to the dining room bursts open. A huge blond guy with tribal tattoos running all over his arms walks in with a scowl marking his face.

Both Damian and Liam stand up. "What is it, Lucas?" Damian said, thunder gathering in his grey eyes. Oh, that must be Lucas Brien, he and Damian practically grew up together.

"Our guy inside the Giovani house has just called," Lucas replied, "Sebastian Giovani is dead".

I couldn't help the gasp that escaped from my throat.

Three pairs of eyes swung my way. After a semi long pause Damian asked "How?" while still looking at me.

"Apparently," Lucas started, "The old man had cancer, he hid it really well. No one knew except his second in command. "

Michael "The wall" Costello. The keeper of Sebastian's secrets. The wall is a wily old bastard that is loyal only to a limited list of things, whiskey and boxing being two of them. And to only one person. Sebastian Giovani. The man that pulled him out of the gutter and made him one of his closest friend.

I remember when my father told me that particular story.

He told me how Gio first saw Michael in an underground boxing match. Where Michael fought and won for the first time ever. A kid that was barely twenty years old, built like a tank and had the fires of hell burning in his eyes.

That night while he was leaving five men surrounded him in an alley. They bit on the other guy and lost and then decided aided by a lot of beer to steal the prize money from the kid that made them lose theirs.

Although he was a good fighter he couldn't take them all at once. He was surprised to see a man twice his age join the fight. And with two of them against five drunk guys. They were able to finish them off quickly.

Giovani followed him at the time to offer him a job as a guard but witnessed the ambush that he was trapped in. Over the years they developed a deep friendship that no one was able to shake.

He became "The wall" that guarded, protected and came between Sebastian and anyone else that wished him harm.

I was brought out of my musings by what Damian said. "...and the knights will start to move as soon as the word reaches them. Although The wall will try to hold everything together. The knights will try everyway possible to take over before we do."

"If that happens we'll be done for." Liam said.

You and me both, buddy.

"It will be a bloody war. Literally." Lucas said,

"but there is a rumour that I'm sure we've heard before. Well now they're saying it's no rumour."

"The heir?" Liam scoffed, "If there is one where the fuck is he ?"

I tried to make myself as small and invisible as possible.

"Sebastian didn't have any children other than the traitorous daughter. And if he had any bastards lying around he would have claimed them already. Don't you think?" Mused Damian.

"Well," Lucas said, "They say The Wall is ready for war. And they say he promised Sebastian on his death bed that he'll either give everything to the heir and no one else or die trying. You know how loyal that family is to their own. There is no one that works for the Giovani's that isn't indebted to them one way or another."

"Everyone thought that their line will end with Sebastian. If there is an heir then this war will probably last for the next fifty years at least," Liam said, "Because they will fight tooth and nail to keep a Giovani as the head of the family."

They become so engrossed in their discussion that they don't see me slip out and head to my room their voices became fainter and fainter with every step I took until they faded away completely.

I needed the peace and quite to think. And although I was able to acquire quite by slipping into my room and closing the door I had the feeling I would never feel peace again.

Shit. My grandfather being sick and close to death was probably the reason why he sent his men after me almost two weeks ago. He must have known that he didn't have anymore time lift.

After I killed Ross Salzo. My grandfather despite being pissed that I killed his late best friend's son, he came to a sudden realization. You don't have to be a man to be a badass. So he started seeing me as the head of the family instead of a way to join the knights and the Giovani's again.

Now after his death the possibilities are getting bleaker and bleaker.

If the Giovanis win I'll probably be forced to become the head of the family.

If the Evans win, Damian won't have anymore use for me. The only reason he wanted me to crack the black boxes in the first place was to get the secrets he needed to finish off the other two familys and taking over. He will likely kill me when that happens.

And if the knights win they will tear me to pieces in retaliation. Despite their names they weren't gallant in any way or form. They had long memories and they believed that revenge was a plate best served in any way possible cold ot hot, it didn't matter as long as it is served.

I needed to figure out away out of this.

And as my mother used to say. If you don't like any of the windows that life gives you just pick up a sledge hammer and make yourself a new one.

I think I will need a wrecking ball for this one

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