I need advice! maybe a sequel!?

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So I don't really need to explain it all but I've had really bad writers block recently & some of the new plots/fics I thought I was so excited to write haven't really been turning out the way that I wanted...

& I kind of fell in love with Reasons again. 

This was the only fic I've ever written that I personally felt so invested in because Shay was so much of me that I was thinking of maybe doing a sequel?????? I literally wrote it like two years ago but idk.

I know a lot of times, sequels aren't really well received & a lot of times the amount of readers is dramatically smaller but I felt like I got a love on this fic & Michael & Shay so I was wondering if anyone would be interested?

It would take a bit before I got anything going because I barely have any plot ideas for their future post-epilogue but I'm sort of excited to figure it out & to continue where they were.

So feel free to comment or message me some opinions about this.

I know this was posted awhile ago so idk if everyone even remembers the story but input would be great!



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