Chapter 29

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Enlighten Me

Shay's P.O.V

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked Michael as we laid in bed, sleeping in until 12:30 in the afternoon & even then still not getting up.

"Doesn't matter. Anything in particular you wanna do?"

"Uhm, have you ever been ice skating?" 

He just laughed. "Yes, like once."

"Are you good at it?"

"I mean I can go in a straight line. Why? Are you good at it, Shay?"

"I can go forwards & backwards, that's about it. Would you want to go?"

"If that's what you want to do, I'd love too."

"Okay, it'll be cute. We can go later though, the rink is outdoors & it looks cool at night."

"Sounds like a date." He kissed my forehead & the wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. 

Ever since our milk & cookie night, Michael had been like extra affectionate, extra cuddly & just a little different. It was a good different though but he'd just have these moments where he'd stare at me & smile, like he was fascinated with me but I would just be like brushing my teeth so it wasn't anything special. I didn't mind though.

After we finally managed to get out of bed, at like 3:00, I took a shower & then decided to get ready for our date night.

I blew dry my hair & tied it to the side before starting on my makeup.

"Hi cute." I heard Michael say, standing in the door frame of the bathroom.

"Hi. Wanna join?"

"I'd love to." & then he took a seat on the counter next to the sink. "So tell me what all this stuff does." He said, pointing to my makeup bag.


"Yes, enlighten me Shay."

"Okay, well you start with this, it's foundation. It like evens your skin so there aren't red blotches or acne noticeable."

"Can I see it?" & then I handed him that.

"What comes next then?"

"I usually put on this eye shadow & then I use this other eye shadow on top of it."

"I've noticed you use both. Then what?"

"I use this eyeliner & then this mascara & then I finish with this for my cheeks."

"But your cheeks are usually pink anyway, I make you blush so much."

"Oh stop. Now can I have that back so I can finish my face?" I asked him, as he sat with my makeup in a pile in his lap.

"I think your face is just fine."

"Stop, gimme like two minutes."

"Nope, no minutes. You don't need it babe."

"Thanks for being sweet but I think I do."

"But you sleep without any makeup on & days we bum you don't wear any so why do you need to wear it today? I like you without it."

"Because we're going out in public & I want to look decent."

I walked over & tried to grab the makeup but Michael snatched it out of his lap before I could grab any of the pieces & then he started running around the house.

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