Chapter 35

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Welcome to Australia

Michael's P.O.V

The airport at NYC was calm, it was refreshing for a change. Nobody knew I was traveling, let alone that I was even in NYC so there wasn't anyone to spot me. The only issue was the few fans who were also flying somewhere so they saw me in the airport & they took some pictures of me. Since fans can work magic, I'm sure they would post that I was flying home  & others could then track my flight & knew when I'd arrive in Sydney.

The first flight was about six hours. Shay & I just watched two movies to pass the time, it was a quiet flight.

We had an hour layover in LAX which I was pleased about because that was short enough of a time to go from one flight straight to the next to avoid people.

The good thing about airports is that you need a ticket to get inside certain places so there couldn't be crowds of people, except for those that were traveling too. Instead, people gathered at either the entrance or layovers were nice, I was protected, & so was Shay, inside the airport.

LAX had celebrities flying all the time so I didn't stand out either. I'm sure someone more famous was flying that day.

Shay & I made it to our other flight just in time & then we got comfortable, this was the longer flight, it was about ten hours or so I think. We took off at 10:00 pm so it was an overnight flight & we'd arrive at 6:30 in the morning Sydney time, so we were losing a day travelling just because of time zones but that meant one day closer to Christmas, right?

The second flight, we both couldn't sleep right away so we just talked, well whispered, a lot instead.

"You ready for this, Shay?"

"No. I have no idea what to expect."

"What do you mean?"

"Just like with your family. I'm kind of a surprise for them."

"You're right but you're my surprise. They'll adore you."

"I'm scared too."

"Why's that?"

"Uhm hello?! Your life, Mikey. So the airport might be crazy in Sydney?"

"It might be. Unless the fans don't give a shit about me anymore but it might be. I mean we get in at 6:00 in the morning so hopefully they don't want to wake up early to see me."

"I'm scared it'll be too crazy. I mean it was insane just the last time outside my apartment & you said that was nothing but that made me so anxious."

"I know it'll get a bit insane but I'm gonna be right there with you & my mom will be there to pick us up as well. I think a security guard will be waiting too."

"Wow, my boyfriend needs security to walk through an airport."

"I know it sucks. I'm sorry."

"If that's what I have to go through to be with you, I'll try to deal."

"You're the best, Shay."

"So what are the plans once we're in Sydney?"

"Well, my mom is picking us up & we'll spend the day at my house. Then we'll head into the city & spend a night or two at the apartment that I share with the other three, so I can give them their letters & just explain everything, you can meet them & then we'll head back by my parents for Christmas & take it from there."

"Gotcha. So you finished the letters for the guys?"

"Yep. I have one for Cal, Ashton & Luke. Luke's is really long, I had a lot to apologize for."

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