Chapter 7

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I slammed the door. I ran back to my room and started throwing things around. I was pissed.

"Bro,you OK?" Ethan asked entering my bedroom. He closed the door and sat on the bed.

"No. I went to Vitas' and there was some guy on her porch and they were about to kiss!" I yelled the last part. I felt anger boiling up in me. I punched the wall so hard it broke. "I like her,Ethan...and I want her to be mine."

"Go there tomorrow and talk to her about it."

"Why? It's obvious she doesn't like me." I sat next to Ethan. He patted my back.

Suddenly,my phone buzzed. It was a text from Vita.

Vita💕: You wanna come over?

I looked back at Ethan and he nodded.

I'll be there in 5.

I grabbed my keys and told my mum I was going to visit Vita. I put my car in ignition.

The guy didn't want to have sex with her so she is probably crying and she needs someone to wipe her tears off.

I gripped the steering wheel as that thought crossed my mind.

When I came at her house,I knocked on the door. I waited for a couple of seconds and she opened the door. She was... stunning.

"Come in!"

I didn't even greet her,I just entered the living room and sat on the couch blankly staring at the wall. She sat next to me.

"Are you OK?" she asked me looking me in the eyes.

"No,everything is OK." I sad not looking at her.

"Gray...tell me what's wrong." she folded our hands together. Her touch is so gentle and calming.

I pulled my hand away and gulped. "Who was that guy?"

"What guy?" she asked me confused.

"Don't play with me. That guy who kissed you on the porch this evening." I stated.

"We didn't kissed. I backed off. And how do you even know that?" she stood up crossing her arms on her chest.

"I passed by. Who is he?" I practically yelled.


"BECAUSE I FUCKING LIKE YOU,OK?" words came out of my mouth even tho I didn't want to tell her that.

Vita's POV


He likes me?

I grabbed him behind his neck and crashed our lips together. At first he didn't kiss back,he was probably shocked,but after few seconds he kissed back. Our lips moved in sync. I pulled away from the kiss.

"I fucking like you too." I mumbled in his lips and kissed him harder. He put his hands around my torso and picked me off the floor. My chest were against his and I could feel his heart beating fast. Soon,our kiss became a makeout session.

Damn,this feels so right.

A/N Things started to heat up.
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