Chapter 8

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We were laying on my bed,cuddled up,Grayson's head on my chest and his arms around my waist. I played with his hair for a few minutes and then I grabbed my phone from a nightstand.

"Why did you stop?" Grayson looked up at me and I saw a big smile on his face. He moved his head back at the first position and I played with his hair again. Soon we fell asleep.

***in the morning***

I woke up at the smell of bacon coming from my kitchen. I looked at my phone to ckeck the time. 6:38 AM. I walked towards the bathroom. I did all my bussines,took a quick shower and put my clothes on.

"Good morning!" Grayson wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. "I made you breakfast."

I turned around and kissed him on the nose. "Good morning to you too. You didn't have to!" I played with the hem of his shirt.

"But I wanted to." he placed a small peck on my forehead.

I walked to the kitchen and sat on the chair. Gray handed me a plate with bacon and eggs and a cup of coffee.

"Uhm...I forgot to tell you...I have a fight on Thursday...will you come and watch me?" I chewed the last piece of bacon and put the dishes away.

"Sure,princess!" he gave me his big toothy smile and kissed my neck. "Be ready at 8."

"Why? Where are we going?" I gave him a confused look and grabbed my bookbag.

"Dress casual." He kissed my cheek and ran outside.

I groaned. I closed the door and walked to the school.

***7 PM***

I walked towards my closet and grabbed black legings and a long yellow crop top. I took a long shower and washed my hair. I put my hair in two dutch braids and grabbed my vans. I don't wear make up because it is just a waste of time and money.

I got a phone call from Grayson.

Phone call:
V: Wassup,cutie pie?
G: *laughs* Cutie pie? OK.
Umm...Ethan will pick you
up. He won't tell you any
details,so don't bother
asking him.
V: Gray,where are...

He hung up. A car beeped outside. That's probably Ethan. I grabbed my phone and turned all the lights off. I walked outside and stepped in the passenger seat.

"Hi!" I greeted Ethan and buckled my seatbelt.

"Hey,gurl!" Ethan said in high pitched girly voice. He is so ratchet.

We were driving half an hour when the car stopped.

"Just follow the path." he said and drove off.

I was standing in front of the big forest. Sun started to fall down. I followed the path and after a few minutes of walking,I came to the big lake. There was a big white blanket surrounded with candles. On the blanket were a picnic basket and a bottle of champaign,but no one was there.

"Do you like it?" I jumped at the sound of Grayson's voice.

"Grayson,you little piece of shit,you scared me!" I said smiling.

He kissed me passionately while holding the back of my neck. "Come!" he grabbed my hand and lead me towards the blanket. We sat down and Gray poured us a glass of champaign. We ate some pb&j sandwiches and talked about some random stuff. We walked towards the dock. We watched the moon and the stars.

Grayson interwined our hands and looked in my eyes. "Vita,in past couple of days you made me so happy,every time I see you or hear your voice,I get butterflies in my stomach. Even tho we know eachother for just a couple of days...would you like to be my girlfriend?"

A/N Will she say yes or no?
Comment down below what do you think.

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