Chapter 1: The Damn Cops

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Disclaimer: KHR does not belong to me. Just letting you know and what not.

P.S. This is a collaboration story done with Xanxus666 who's too lazy to type anything, or set up their own account.


"I'm telling you I didn't fucking steal it."

"Look kid. This isn't your first offense, if you admit it and tell us who helped you, you might be lucky enough to get off with a warning."

"Why the hell do you think I did it?"

"The cameras only got your face running out of the store. There were five other guys with you, carrying the stolen hardware. So, tell us their names and where the stuff is. That's all."

"Bullshit. Y'all only need someone to blame."

"Brat, this is serious. You've recently gotten off probation and still doing your community service. Do you want to go to the Detention Center again so soon?"

"And for the last damn time, I'm telling you I didn't fucking do any of that shit. Ya got the wrong person."

"We got eyewitness reports and surveillance videos that say otherwise."

The kid had the actual gall to scoff.

Police Sergeant Matsuoka sighed. He already knew the kid wouldn't give a single thing away. This wasn't the first time he had to deal with the little shit, but protocol was protocol.

Shaking his head, he turned to the guard standing outside. "Hey! Take him to his usual cell until further notice." Receiving a nod in return, Sergeant Matsuoka stood up and left the interrogation room. Ignoring the mocking goodbye wave from the brat, he went straight to his office.

The guard grabbed the kid before striding out into the plain white hall. These officers needed a life because this was just sad.

"Oi! Slow down ya Tree Bastard! I can't keep up with your long ass legs, dammit!"

The guard didn't even blink nor did he have the grace to slow his pace. The kid could only glare darkly at the fucking tree disguised as a man as they passed by several random doors. They entered a metal, locked door at the end of the hall. The room had a couple of cells, only a few of them occupied.

Going to the first empty cell on the left, the guard roughly shoved the kid in. Said kid gave an indignant protest to the manhandling as he regained his balance. 

The man removed the kid's cuffs before stepping out of the cell in one swift movement, which spoke years of experience. Had the man ever thought about changing careers?

After ensuring the door clicked shut, the guard left. Never to be mentioned again because he was simply an extra.

'They should put a welcome back sign in here for me. Maybe even put up a board with my name on it, that way idiots know not to enter my cell,' the kid couldn't help but think. 

He went to lay down on the bench bolted to the back wall. It was uncomfortable to the highest degree, but it was better than the dirty floor. Who the hell knew what all those suspicious stains were, fat chance he was gonna risk being the one to find out. Without a glance at the other captured losers, he fell asleep.

Nearly 2 hours later, a disgruntled Sgt. Matsuoka stood before the kid, yelling at the boy to wake up.

"What brought you here so soon, I was having a great nap?"

"Shut it brat."

"Oh? What got your panties in a twist?"

The Sgt. shot said brat a glare and released a frustrated sigh. "Kimura Tsuna. All charges against you have dropped and you are hereby no longer in our custody." Sgt. Matsuoka opened the cell, beckoning for the kid- now named Tsuna- to follow.

Tsuna raised an eyebrow at this. "Which sleazebag decided to free me? Cuz I ain't gonna be in debt to anyone."

"I'm... I'm not certain."

Tsuna looked at the Sergeant's face before smirking. "Ah, so that's why you're in such a bitchy mood." He got another glare in return for his oh so lovely comment. "I thought you had fucking evidence, how the hell did the guy manage to bail me? Of course, not that I'm complaining."

Sgt. Matsuoka gritted his teeth, not bothering to answer. This made Tsuna's smirk grow wider. "Interesting~"

The rest of the walk to the lobby was in complete silence, leaving the two to their own thoughts. Ha, more like the Sgt. was cussing everyone in his head while Tsuna wondered what he was going to get for lunch. Or was it dinner?

It was only once they reached the door leading to the lobby did the Sgt. finally hand over Tsuna's belongings. Which was some pocket change and a phone with a cracked screen. He also took the moment to say, "Next time, you won't be so lucky, Brat."

Tsuna gave him a mildly entertained look. "Nice seeing ya too ya know. Where the hell did your manners go you ass?"

Sgt. Matsuoka stared at him. He then shook his head, muttering something about disrespectful punks. Without so much as a goodbye, he took off, desperate for some coffee.

"See you soon, old man!"

Tsuna watched as Matsuoka rounded the corner, a little regretful for messing with the man. He had a good heart, but Tsuna had an image to maintain. Shoving his meager belongings into his pockets, he sighed, exhaustion settling in. Shaking it off, he stepped into the waiting area. His eyes immediately focused on a shadowy figure hidden near the entrance. Sensing a potential threat, he subtly changed his stance, ready to fight at the drop of a hat, yet appeared outwardly disinterested.

"Come on out and tell me what you want, fucking Pedophile."


Thanks for reading, I- along with my partner- hoped you enjoyed it.

I bid you adieu~

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