Chapter 4: Hitman or Pedophile

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Disclaimer: I should probably stop doing this, but whatever, KHR doesn't belong to me.

P.S. Xanxus666, despite being a pain, helped write this chapter.


As Reborn entered the Police Station, he surveyed the place. Wooden floors, plastic seats lining the walls, some pink-haired man glaring at him. Or better known as Police Sergeant Rin Matsuoka, a man he had come to familiarize with through a phone.

On the way over he pulled a few strings so that Kimura would get freed without charge. He even managed to release the kid from his court ordered community service. As a bonus, it wouldn't be another stain on his record. The things he does for Vongola.

"Are you the man who called us earlier?"


The Sergeant was trying hard not to show how displeased he was in front of him. All because of the way things were going in Reborn's favor, no matter what the officer did. How cute. This made Reborn smirk a bit smugly, which happened to only fuel the other man's frustration.

Through gritted teeth Matsuoka said, "Wait here for a moment and Kimura-san will be right over." He then stormed out of the waiting room, or lobby which ever you prefer, to retrieve the boy.

Chuckling, Reborn walked over to the corner closest to the door. (Exits should always be nearby or in view). He leaned against the wall with one leg crossed over the other. 'Wonder how the boy is now; both in personality and appearance.'

After a couple of minutes, Reborn heard a pair of voices coming from the other side of the door. The same door that a certain officer had angrily left through early on. Despite the conversation being muffled, it didn't stop Reborn from ease dropping. 'Seems Kimura enjoys messing with people. He's comfortable around Matsuoka to a degree. Strange, but not surprising in the least. Matsuoka does oversee any cases having to do with Kimura.'

Hearing the door open, Reborn snapped his eyes up to stare intently at the person who entered. Not that it was noticeable since his fedora was shading his eyes.

To his astonishment, the boy looked sharply at him with his narrowed brown eyes. Not even bothering to see if there was anyone else inside the room. 'Confirms my thought on him being more than a scapegoat. Speaks of potential, a potential to be a good mafia boss, not that I haven't worked with less.'

"Come on out and tell me what you want, fucking Pedophile."

Reborn's hand twitched with the need to reach for his gun and make the kid respect him, but refrained from doing so. He's been in so many similar situations by now that he knows better than to whip out his gun to show who's boss.

He stepped out of the shadows and into the light to allow the little punk to see him. Kimura tensed, regarding him with an icy glare. 

Well, since the kid was going to assess him, Reborn might as well do the same. It's the polite thing to do, right?

Kimura wore a black beanie over his head covering all his hair. Which was a pain in the ass as Reborn couldn't identify the color or style of it.

He had creamy white skin and chocolate colored eyes with some orange dancing in there. He also wore a zipped up black jacket that had the kanji "turtle hermit" written in orange on the front of it. Along with some black, baggie cargo pants and orange shoes.

'The orange in his eyes. Can he access his flames? Or is it his intuition?'

"Chaos. My name is Reborn and I'm not a pedophile."

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