Chapter 15: Hospital Annoyances

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Sup peeps. Dunno if anyone's still bothering to read this, but recently got out of school, yay. Still won't be updating more often though, cuz by brain is being a bastard.

Disclaimer: Me and Xanxus666 do not have any rights over KHR. 


Earlier Before Tsuna Got Pissed

"Holy Shit!"

A nurse who had been passing by gave him a disapproving look. "Please be quiet, patients are resting."

Gokudera shot said nurse a quick nod before glaring daggers at the jackass that made him yell. He was only met with an amused Hibari Kyoya.

The nurse widened her eyes when she realized exactly who was there, nearly had a heart attack too. She scurried away; emergency evacuation initialized after a swift push of a button. Unfortunately, the young boy in the room near Hibari Kyoya would not get help. When the risk was incurring the wrath of a Hibari, it was every man for himself.

"You shitty bastard. Why don't you show up like a normal person?"


"The fuck are you saying?"

"Explain, herbivore."

"Tch. I need to know about Kyuseishu-sama's condition first. You took too long in getting your ugly ass over here that they already finished checking up on him."

Gokudera jumped back on pure instinct. Managing to dodge a tonfa to the stomach before throwing some lit dynamites at Hibari. Who, in turn, knocked them out the open window.

Sadly, he couldn't light anymore or else he'd most likely die. He seriously needed to get faster at that if he wanted to continue living.

'Move to the right. Pivot left. Shit my arm! My other arm! Screw this. Gotta get the fuck out of here.'

With that thought in mind, he sprinted down the hall. Not even able to get very far when Hibari appeared in front of him.

Gokudera then decided to do something risky, which was quite stupid if you considered the situation he was in. 'Well, here goes nothing.'

Instead of stopping and running back, he pushed on, only to slide across the floor right beside the demon. Missed getting hit on the head by a hair's breadth.

Immediately, he threw some dynamite behind him, then entered a completely random room, one that was thankfully empty. Quickly locking it, Gokudera dashed towards the window. So focused on escaping, he didn't even stop when the door blasted into the wall next to him.

Managing to throw several more dynamite at the rampaging monster, he was about to jump out. Except, his bombs explode the floor apart, making them both fall to the level below them.

Kyoya skillfully landed on his feet, the lucky bastard. Wasting not a second to chase after Gokudera, who was climbing up the stairs as fast as he could. Having used the collapse of the floor as a distraction, he raced to the staircase. Unlike Kyoya, Gokudera had landed a bit clumsily on all fours, filling him with resentment.

He luckily made it to the top of the stairs without delay, which was quite suspicious. So, he pivoted a full 180 degrees to check behind him and was only met with air.

The color quickly drained from his face.

'Maybe I was faster than the freak. Yeah, that's all.' He turned back to view the burnt hall, feeling as if the grim reaper had come to take his soul, but crept on anyways. 'Must get to Kyuseishu-sama.' Cautiously, he looked around the corner and-

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