Chapter 1: The New Kid

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A/n This is my first story so if it's terrible or if it has any mistakes. I'm sorry.

Josh's Pov:
"Great it's my first day at a new school and Milo (my cat) peed on my nice skinny jeans and my nice black button up"

I woke up at 6:00am to get ready. I am so nervous to go to this school and see new faces. What if someone sees my bruises or scratches?

I lost my train of thought when I heard familiar yelling coming from the living room.

"JOSHUA WILLIAM DUN GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW" My dad yelled. I went downstairs as quick as I could so he wouldn't beat me again because I was still sore from him beating me last night for eating his sand which last night.

"WHAT IS THIS??? I TOLD YOU TO KILL THAT FUCKING CAT" he said to me while holding the collar of my shirt and pointing to the ground.

"I- I can't kill my cat, he's the only t-thing I h-have" I told him with watery eyes from thinking what he might do next. I didn't know how he knew I still had Milo until I looked over on the ground where he was pointing and saw cat pee on the carpet and on his shoes.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW PATHETIC YOU ARE? YOU CANT EVEN KILL A STUPID WORTHLESS ANIMAL" He threw me against the wall and started to punch my torso and I fell to the ground. He started kicking my torso. I laid there on the ground hoping he would be done soon.

After a couple punches in the face and kicking my torso he stopped when my mom walked in and told me to get ready for school. She didn't even care that my dad was beating me. She puts out her cigarettes on my arms.

They both walked out of the living room and into the kitchen drinking beer and smoking.

I tried to get up but I couldn't, it hurt so bad. After awhile I got up holding my stomach and made my way up the stairs to shower.

When I took of my shirt, my whole stomach was black/blue and yellow/brown. The side of my face was forming a bruise and had a small cut next to it. Their was a cut on the bottom right hand side of my lip.

When I got out of the shower I put on some skinny jeans and a black shirt with a black hoodie and vans. My blue hair was a bit messy and I needed to dye it again.

I walked out of my house limping a little while I walked. I hurt so bad I wanted to stay home but if I did I would get beat more. Let's hope I don't get beat up at this school.

I walked into the school and into the office.

"Hi I'm Joshua Dun and I'm new here." I told the secretary.

"Hello Mr. Dun. I'm Mrs Martinez and I will be right back to get you your schedule."

"Okay. Thank you" I said shyly
Mrs. Martinez left the room and I felt something touch my shoulder hard which made me jump from the bruise I had there.

I turned around slowly and scared to see who it was and it was three guys. They looked pissed and it looked like they wanted to kill me for being here.

"Who are you, fag?" The guy in the middle said.

"I-I-" I tried to get out but I was interrupted by the guy on the left side.

"Look fag, Kellin doesn't like people like you. So you better watch out" He said before he punched me in the gut. They all laughed and walked away while I held my stomach with my hands. Trying not to cry from the pain from this morning.

I lifted up my shirt and my hoodie to see how bad it was and my whole stomach was black/blue and yellow/brown. Their was only a little bit of my skin color on my stomach.

I pulled my shirt down and looked up when I saw a guy with brown hair, skinny jeans, a blue shirt, and he had brown eyes. He walked up to me and we stared at each other before he spoke.

"Where did you get those from?" The boy said curiously.

"Uhh umm I uhhhh f-fall off my skateboard a lot... I'm really clumsy.... I'm Josh by the way." I told him my name trying to change the subject before he got suspicious.

"I'm Tyler. You must be really dumb to fall off your skateboard a lot." He said laughing

"Yeah I am. It's one of my talents." I spoke chuckling a little. Then we both just laughed until a blonde girl came into the office grabbing onto Tyler's arm and leaning up against him.

"Tyler babe. Why are you talking to this loser you should be talking to me" the girl spoke.

"Jenna calm down. I never seen him before so he must be new. I was just saying hello." He told her and I shook my head to me being new to this school. He must be popular considering that he said he never seen me before neither has that Jenna girl.

"Well he dyes his hair and is a fucking fag who dyes there hair blue." Jenna looked at me in disgust. Before Tyler or I could talk Jenna dragged Tyler out of the office and then the secretary came in with my schedule.

I looked at my schedule and saw gym in there. "Ma'am I didn't sign up for gym." I told her feeling a bit nervous. I couldn't wear short or a tang top, then people would see my bruises and question me.

"You have to take gym or you fail. Sorry kid now go to class." Mrs. Martinez said while I walked out of the office and into the hallway.

Sorry if this felt like a long story but I like writing/reading long stories. Hope you enjoyed byeeeeee!!!

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