Chapter 22: Hang Out

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Tyler's Pov:

I opened the door and Brendon came barging in with alcohol with Pete, Patrick, and a short shy girl behind them.

"I brought my friend Melanie because she needed a break from her house. I hope that's okay with you Tyler?" Pete said nervously

"Of course! Welcome" I put a big smile on my face and tried to make her feel as welcome as possible. "I'm Tyler, Tyler Joseph" I put my hand out for her to shake it and she said her name was Melanie Martinez. That's a pretty name.

"Wait are you related to a Secretary at the schools front desk?" Josh questioned. She smiled and nodded. "Yeah that's my mother, most people don't know her "

Josh smiled and I asked how he knew. "She gave me my schedule and when I go to the nurses office a lot now she sits with me and we talk for a while. "
" YEAH my mom talks about you all the time. She says you're real sweet and that you're dating Tyler"

We both nodded, turned around and walked into the living room. Brendon was already dancing and twerking which he was really good at, I'm impressed.

We all sat down in a circle and Brendon calmed down too so we talked and ate. "Whoooo wants to play truuuuuuuth or DARE" Brendon asked really drunk. We all yelled no and he pouted then snuggled with Ryan, but passed out.

"We'll I'm really tired and I'm going to go to bed " I spoke and josh said "yeah I'm pretty tired to,I'm going to bed. Goodnight guys"

We walked upstairs and layed down. I changed into PJs an so did Josh. I turned off the lights and layed next to Josh. We were really tired but played on our phones for a while then went to bed "Goodnight baby boy I love you"

"Goodnight Josh I love you too"

--- MORNING ---

"AHH MY HEAD! WHAT THE FUCK DID SOMEONE SHOOT ME IN THE HEAD" I woke up to Brendon screaming and we all told him to shut up besides Josh, Patrick, and Pete because they were still sleeping.

I checked my phone and it was 9:45 in the morning. We had school today but Josh was still sleeping and he looked peaceful so I said screw it and layed back down. I went on Twitter and saw that Josh changed his Twitter name.

I quickly went onto his phone and changed it back because he really liked that name but everyone always told him to change it. I don't know why, its a really good name for him.

"Ty what are you doin on my phone" Josh was still half asleep and kept rubbing his eyes. "Uuuhhhh just taking pics of you see" I took a picture of him and showed it to him.

He laughed and went to the bathroom and came back when he was done. Josh jumped on me and kissed me. " OUCH JOSH" He apologized and laughed. " You have dog breath" "oh really now?" I nodded my head and he breathed in my face.

We went downstairs to get breakfast and talk to everyone. Eventually Patrick and Pete woke up and got some food too.

They both went to school because they said their parents would be mad. Ryan had to leave for his dad before his dad got to mad at him and Brendon went back to sleep in my bed.

Josh and I were really bored do we watched Merlin on Netflix for two hours then went to get ice cream.

"Its a nice day out! Do you want to go to the park with the ice creams?" I nodded my head yes and walked more until we reached the Ghetto Shack. No body remembers what its called but its a real small ice cream place with good ice cream so we calk it the ghetto shack. 

An elementary school was right across from it so we saw all the little kids playing out side which made us smile.

We walked to the park and went on the swings, after we finished the ice cream Josh made me push him. We took turns pushing each other on the swings and we saw the sun going down.

We got up and walked over to the side the sun was going down. We sat down on the grass holding hands and watched it. When it was fully dark we layed on our backs and looked all the stars.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked. " sure anything ty " he kept staring at the stars.

"So do you think the stars look after us a night? I mean like in the daytime you have Family and frens to keep you safe but when they go to bed, who's gonna save you? They will be asleep and you have no one. At night the stars make sure you can see and know that someone is looking. And when its day the stars are still there but you can't see them just like our family and frens at night. They are still there but they're asleep. And when you see the stars that are brighter than others its like the people you love the most than others. When you hear a persons voice that you love, you brighten up or if you hear their name you just think about them. And when you see the stars that are brighter, you just connect with it and feel like its listening to you when you talk to it. Yanno?"

Josh turned to his side and smiled "I feel the same way Ty" I smiled at him and kissed him. "We should be heading back. Its getting really late and we don't want Brendon to worry" I agreed and got up off the ground.

Ten minutes later we reached my house and walked through the door. Brendon was in front of the door tapping his foot with his arms crossed. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" "We went to the park and lost track of time" I tried to make it sound like we didn't realize the time because we did. If we are late or don't tell Brendon where we are going then he's like a mother and all worried.

"It better not happen again!" We nodded our heads and went upstairs. "WHAT the actual FUCK" Josh and I just laughed and played on our phones all night.

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