Chapter 20: Not Again

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Josh looks so sad in that

Tyler's Pov:

"Oh my god" I thought. My poor Jish. Why? How could someone do this to him? He's so small.

"J-Josh why didn't you call us?" I had tears in my eyes and I tried so hard not to cry.

"Because Ty.. how could I? Oh hey my dad was in my room and beat the hell out of me again." He was sobbing and grabbed his shirt and hoodie and put it on.

We all hugged him and talked. We were already in third period and skipping but we didn't care. It was now 5th period and we decided to go to class.

We all hugged and I walked Josh to class. When we reached to his class I gave him a kiss and he kissed back but then it got sealed until we detached and he went into class.

I heard the teacher ask Josh where he was and he responded "my friends were helping me out with something that happened" she then said "you are not aloud to skip" and he just said "SUCK MY DICK I DONT GIVE A SHIT. I HAD ENOUGH SHIT FEM MY FATHER AND I DON'T NEED IT FROM YOU GRANDMA" and with that everyone in the class went silent and I laughed.

I peeked my head in and thumbs up Josh and he saw and laughed when his back was turned toward the teacher. She was speechless.

The teacher saw my thumb and ran to the door but she was to old and I was to fast so she didn't see me. I walked into my class and the teacher asked to speak with me.

"Why are you late" I started to "cry" because I was good at acting. "M-my friends da-" I "sobbed" and she tried to comfort me.

"Tyler Tyler it's okay. Take deep breaths" the door was open so everyone heard and laughed. They knew I was joking.

"M-my friends dad passed away a-and I was close to him. I s-stayed in the bathroom to be a-alone. I'm sooooorryyy"

"It's okay just go collect yourself and sit down" and patted my back and I smiled to the class and they all said "I'm sorry about that Tyler" but when I passed them they said "NIIIICE DUDE"

The whole time I was thinking about Josh. He is so special to me and I can't do anything about his dad beating him. We tried going to the cops once but he's friends with them and they don't give a shit.

The cops even gave him a hand gun last week. I was so worried about Josh but he always said he was fine. I never knew he still went through this.

The bell rang and I ran to Josh's classroom but I saw him laying on the ground. "JOSH oh my god Josh. Are you okay? Josh please. Please wake up. No no no open your eyes. NURSE SOMEONE PLEASE PLEAA-" this time I was crying for real. He was the love of my life and he's on the school ground unconscious.

Brendon and Ryan ran up to me and picked up Josh. They brought him to the nurse and I stayed with him the whole time until he woke up.

"W-where am I?"
"In hell" Brendon said
"WHAT THE HELL DUDE" I screamed and he backed up and apologized.

"Ty it's ok- AGH" josh started holding onto his side and started groaning.
"Oh my god Josh are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. I need to get up"
He tried to get up but the nurse said otherwise. "Uh uh boy you lay in the bed and don't you move or I will beat you more than you already are."

She had a bit of sass. Her name was Nurse Rosie. He was dark color and had black fluffy hair with hoop earrings and had a sassy attitude. More attitude than Gerard FREAKING Way. Just kidding but she was close.

"T-Tyler I'm sorry I'm a disappointment" by this time it was just me and josh in the room. "Josh you are not a disappointment. I-I - uh I uh I'll go get you some water. But you mean so much to me and don't ever say that."

I wanted to. I should've. GOD IM SO STUPID. he got beat up twice and I didn't even say "I love you" it's an easy word to say but it's hard to do. I wanted him to hear the words come out of my mouth because I knew what I felt but I don't know if he feels the same way.

I came back in the room and handed him a water. He thanked me and I kissed him.

"Tyler-" "shhhhh don't speak just please kiss me" he stopped talking and kissed me. I love him so much and he means the world to me. I don't want to see him hurt.

When school ended we went to my house and got Taco Bell. After that we played some games and then he fell asleep in my bed.

I quietly put him in decent pj pants and took his shirt off. I then got on some ok pants and took my shirt off and crawled into bed next to josh were I fell asleep next to my lovely boyfriend.

I'm trying to write faster! Maybe when school is out I have time to write more! Yay!!!!

Holding On To You// JOSHLERDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora