Chapter 16: I Kissed Joshua Dun!!!

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Tyler's Pov:

I kissed the JOSHUA WILLIAM DUN!!!! His lips tasted like a fall day where the leaves are crunchy and you step on them and it makes the CRULSNELLK noise.

He asked me to be his boyfriend and of course I said yes who wouldn't. My family heard and started to cheer which was really weird but I'm happy they don't mind me being gay.

Josh had to go home and I was concerned. He told me his family stopped hurting him so I believed him. He got his red big shoes and slipped them on.

He said bye to my family and asked if he could kiss my cheek and I said yes!!! He kissed my cheek and walked out the door as I said "text me when you get home safe". Good thing I broke up with Jenna the other day too. She was mad but I told her it would never work in the future.

I sat down on the couch and turned on Spongebob Square Pants because you are never an adult when it's on.

I say to the songs and laughed like a child until my phone went off.

Jish: I'm home! Hope I didn't bug you.

Jish: if I did I'm sorry

Jish: why do I keep texting you

Jish: you're probably busy I'll leave you alone


Jish: I'm being annoying aren't I? I'll stop you're probably doing something

Tyjo: Josh its fine! And thank you for texting me! Sorry I didn't answer right away

Jish: SO YOU DON'T HATE ME! Even when I keep texting

Tyjo: no no I like it! It reminds me that you actually want to listen to what I have to say and that I'm on your mind right now! I don't have to text you for you to know I exist; you care about me that much to text me and tell me you're okay and it can be a simple word like "poop" and I still wouldn't care because you wanted to tell me instead of someone else and I feel loved when you do that

Jish: uhhhh wooooow that was

Jish: A

Jish: M

Jish: A

Jish: Z

Jish: I

Jish: N

Jish: G

Jish: Wording!!! I'll do that more often love! ❤️

Tyjo: Mkay Butterbutt

Jish: butter butt?

Tyjo: yes butterbutt but I have to go eat now so byee

I put my phone down and walked over to the kitchen. My mom maked homemade pizza with mac and cheese!!

"Thanks mom it looks delicious" my sibilings and I thanked my mom while we stuffed our faces and talked about what happened with their life's.

After dinner I went up to my room and into my bathroom to take a shower. When I got out I wrapped a towel around my waist and dried my hair with another.

I checked my phone and saw a text from Josh!!!

Jish: So next next week there is a dance my family always goes to and we dress all fancy, dance drunk yanno that kinda stuff.

Jish: did you want to go with me???

Jish: you don't have to I know we just got together and it's to early but I think it would be fun

Jish is typing...

Before Josh could say anything else I hurried and typed "yes".

I went and told my mom and she got exited. "We will go shopping this week!!! EEEEEEEE IM SO HAPPY YOU ARE GOING to look sooooo handsome!!!!"

She started to pinch my cheeks and I backed away. I thanked her then went back into my room.

I turned off my light and crawled into bed. I put my alarm on for school tomorrow and told Josh I had to leave a early for a doctors appointment.

I checked my social medias and after sharing and liking a lot of stuff. I finally put my phone down at 11:02 but I didn't go to bed until 1:37am because it takes a while to go to sleep.

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