Chapter 24: Twitter Post and Car Crashs

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I'm thinking about making other stories but I won't publish them till I finish this story. 😁 I think I'm working on like five now!!!

When should I end this story? Around 30 chapters or more chapters than that??

Tylers Pov

"Yawn" I yawned as my alarm clock blared in my ear. I got up and took a warm shower. I looked at my phone and seen I had a lot of twitter notifications.

I checked at what the heck it was all about and seen there was a picture of me and Josh kissing. I didn't think he was ready to tell anyone. He didn't even ask me because I wasn't ready either.

But as I saw who posted it, it was JENNA! Why would she do that. How did she even know I was dating josh and how did she get that picture.

I looked at all the comments. Some saying they thought it was cute but most called us fags. God I hate that word just because you love the same gender doesn't make you different from straight people. I got changed and headed to Josh's house.

He came charging out the door and into the car. "Hey babe what's wrong" I was kinda worried "oh nothin we are just running late". He slid in the car and shut the door. He gave me a quick kiss and hurried to put his shoes on.

I giggled "y-yanno it's only 7:16 you had plenty of time to put your shoes on. "W-WHat n-no the time says 7:28" he showed me his phone and it showed 7:16.

Uh josh look again, he looked again and hit his head on the window. I patted his leg and drove to school.

I saw Jenna in the walkway and pushed her against the locker. "Hey baby miss me" "w-what NO how did you get that picture of me and josh kissing." "Oh I just snuck into Josh's house and grabbed his phone. I saw him out in his password in gym and decided why not" she let out a small smile and shrugged.

I HAVE NO HATE ON JENNA I LOVE HER BUT SHE NEEDS TO BE A BIOTCH IN THE STORY SOWWY! "Bitch" I said and let go on her then walked away. I heard her groan as if she thought I wanted her back.

I never really liked her she was always to... clingy and my sister hooked her up with me.

"Yo hoe" Brendon hugged me. I smiled and sat down. I really wasn't in the mood to talk or even walk. "Hey n-n-n-nooooo Tyler McJoseph doesn't do that to Brendon MctatorUrie. Cmon the group still loves you why you gotta do dis to me."

He gave me the puppy got eyes. "You're right I sorry I just hate how she went on Josh's phone" "THAT BIOTCH WENT ON JOSHUAS PHONE"

"DETENTION Mr Urie. I hope you find disrupting the class funny." "As a matter of fact I do Mrs Mericle" he smiled at her and I just laughed. She looked at me like I was the devil and turned back to talking about the subject we were in. I didn't even know what class we were in.

"Soooo is it okay if I sleep over tonight? I uh ummm told my mom that I was dating Ryan and she kinda flipped" Brendon looked sad. "Yeah of course as long as you need to buddy"

He smiled and for the rest of the time we tried to figure out what was going on but failed as played on our phones.


"Hey my Jish" I kiss his nose. We got a lot of stares and mumbles from people but I didn't care.ike Brendon said 'the group is still loves you' they still love me no matter who I love.

I love josh he's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I used to think that I would never find someone that made me feel like I do with him but I did.

I zoned back into reality when josh held my hand and walked to the car. Brendon came and sat in the back. While I pulled out and was going past a bridge I heard a huge thud and heard screams and glass. Then everything went dark.


I woke up to monitors going and being wrapped in a whole bunch of wires. "Oh honey your awake" my mom was next me. I couldn't help but look around for josh. Where's josh? I started freaking out and the monitor started beeping a lot and the nurses calmed me down.

"W-where's josh?" I choked out trying to get up. "WHERE IS HE" I yelled I wanted josh. The only thing I cared about was josh. But wait what about Brendon? He was in the car too. Oh no what's happened to them.

"W-where's JOSH WHERES BRENDON? A-are they oka-" I started crying. I couldn't control it. It was like the two best people just got ripped out of me and got thrown in a black hole.

"I-I'm sorry sir b-but Josh Dun and Brendon Urie they their in bad condition. I'm afraid they are in a coma and they have a 30 chance of making it" "N-n-n-no no no no that's not true" I tried getting up again but my dad held me down. "I CANT LOSE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND MY BEST FRIEND"

She started to tear up and excused herself. This. Can't. Be. Happening.

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