Chapter 8: Bad News

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At the end of the book I will have votes you can vote on for the other persons perspective 🙃

Tyler's Pov:

I was in the waiting room at the hospital with Brendon. The doctors called Joshs parents and they came an hour later. They sat in front of me with disgusted looks on their faces.

"So you're Josh's friend" he laughed

"Y-yes sir I am. He's a good friend to have"

"He's a pussy. He's weak. I wouldn't be surprised if he died in there"

My eyes widened as they stood up and walked out the door and drove off.

"What the fuck just happened" Brendon looked confused.

"I-I don't know but that's bullshit. They should be here with Josh and have hope."

An hour later the doctor came out and we both stood up. Brendon and I barely knew Josh but someone had to say with him.

"Are the Dun family here?"

"No sir they left. Hows Josh?!"

His eyes seemed very sad he managed to get out. "Joshs body looks like he's been beaten since he was a baby. He had broken bones that didn't recover well but he managed to come this far. His whole body is covered in bruises and cigarette burns but he will make a full recovery."

How could someone do that to Josh. He was so nice and perfect. My eyes started to get watery and burned a little.

"C-Can we see him?" Brendon finally spit out. He knew I was upset so he stayed with me the whole time and he knew I couldn't speak that when he spoke.

"He is asleep now but he will wake up soon. You may go to his room 342"

"Thank you" I said softly

I walked into the room and saw his arms that were all covered in bruises and burns and old scars that were barely noticeable. I'm happy he didn't do it anymore it made me proud that he was strong for this long.

----One hour later----

I was holding Josh's hand taking in everything I've heard. I saw a bruise on his face and a burn the doctor said he was wearing makeup to hide it. His hand twitched and his eyes moved. He squinted trying get use to the bright light. He shot his head up and his heart rate went up. The monitor went crazy because his heart was going so fast.

The nurses came in trying to calm him down they pushed us to get out. I heard him screaming and yelling I looked through the window and they were holding him down which made me cry into Brendon's chest.

The nurses walked out and said they gave him medicine that made him pass out because he was panicking to much. We walked back in there and sat down. He looked peaceful I just want to sleep where he's sleeping. That sounded wrong but I don't care.

It's been a half an hour and Josh finally woke up. He looked straight at me with his hand handcuffed to the bed for safety reasons.

"J-Josh are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. We're am I?"

"Your at the hospital. Brendon went to go get a drink." I kinda wanted to ask him about his bruises but I didn't want to be rude.

"H-how long have I been here"

"A couple hours but that's it"

"D-D-Did they c-call m-my parents." Josh started to shake

"Yeah but they went home. Josh what do they do to you?"

"N-nothing I uh fe-" I cut him off. "Do not say you fell YOU WERE UNCONSCIOUS."

"M-my parents got drunk last night thats it." He started to cry. "The doctor said this has been happening since you were a baby."

"I-I'm okay. I can handle it" I hugged him and he cried in my shoulder. I saw Brendon coming through the glass and I mouthed him to wait.

Josh stopped crying and the doctor came in. He wanted to ask Josh questions but he didn't answer. He got discharged the next day and he went straight to my house.

"You can sleep here tonight I don't mind."

"N-no I should probably get home. I don't want my parents to worry"

"There the reason you were even at the hospital" he went silent. The doctor told me to keep his cuts clean so they wouldn't get worse. I grabbed a cloth and told him to take off his shirt and lay on the bed.

I started to wash his body and he whinced. "S-sorry" "I-it's fine. Thanks for helping me" I gave him a smile before going back to washing his body.

When I was done he was already asleep so I went downstairs and slept on the couch. I didn't want to be a weirdo and sleep in the same bed as him. I woke up around 3:00am so I went to the bathroom and checked on Josh but he wasn't there.

I looked all around my bedroom to see if he fell or slept walked. I went into my parents room and my brothers and sisters old room. I went back downstairs when I saw a piece of paper on the kitchen counter. I ran over to it and my eyes went wide as I read what it said.

I realized I was crying and drops of tears were all over the paper as I kept reading it.

Holding On To You// JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now