Chapter 9: Hell House

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Josh's Pov:

I woke up and I looked around to see where I was then I remembered I was in Tyler's room. I looked at my cracked phone from falling when Brendon hugged me.


I knew what that meant, he did it to the other person that found out that I got abused by him. That guy is gone and I didn't want the same thing to happen to Tyler. I got up and got my shirt on and got a piece of paper and pen.

I'm sorry I had to leave without telling you. My dad would hurt you if he knew you were helping me. I'm sorry Ty but I need you to stay away from me so you don't get hurt. You were one of the only people that tried to help and I don't want you getting hurt and it being my fault. I hope you and forehead the best. Stay safe.

I left his house running home with tears down my face. I barely knew him but he was my only best fren and he helped me without me even asking for help.

I ran up my drive way and stopped. I looked at my house and saw how broken down it was and molded it was. I saw the dead grass on my lawn but if you look at my neighbors lawn there is the perfect green grass with nice brick house and mine was old wood.

I finally walked inside my house and saw my mom and dad sitting in their chairs.

"H-Hi mom, dad. I'll be in my b-bedroom."I spoke with a shaky breathe. Before I got the chance to go upstairs my dad pinned me to the wall by my neck. My feet were dangling from the floor. His breathe didn't smell like beer normally when he beats me.

"WHERE have you been?"

"A-at the h-ho-hospital s-sir" i coughed trying to breathe but he choked me harder and my vision started getting blurry. He let go of me so I could catch my breath (somebody catch my breathe). He punched me in the face, before him and my mom left and drive away.

I went into my room and looked at my phone that kept buzzing.

Tyguy: Josh where are you

Tyguy: Josh answer me where are you

Tyguy: I'm getting worried tell me where you are so I can come get you

Tyguy: please Josh let me help you

Tyguy: Josh

Josh: Tyler I'm okay


Josh: I'm at home

Tyguy: WHAT no come back here

Josh: I can't I shouldn't even be texting you. It's to dangerous.

Tyguy: please Josh don't leave me

Josh: I'm worthless you can find a friend way better than me

I want to be close with Tyler but it's to dangerous for him to be even close to me. I should of just let him go. He can find someone way better than me. He has Brendon and everyone on the basketball team and his girlfriend.

Tyguy: you're not worthless Josh. Just please come back to my house.

Josh: you don't need me you have your girlfriend and Brendon and a whole bunch other people

Tyguy: Josh but I want to know you and hang with you.

Tyguy: when you came over the first time it was sick

Josh: it was fun but you could get hurt from my dad.

Tyguy: who cares about your dad. He's the worthless one how could he treat you like that you're adorable.

My heart skipped a beat when I read that. He actually thought I was adorable. I felt a blush come one my face. I looked at my phone again.

Tyguy: Josh

Tyguy: Uhh please tell me you have a black truck with ducktape.

Tyguy: Josh please answer

I couldn't answer him I was frozen at his words

Tyguy: please tell me you pulled into my drive way


Josh: Go to your room and hide I'll be there just stay safe

I ran all the way to Tyler's house not even stopping for air. When I ran up his driveway I saw my dads car and a broken window from Tyler's house.

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