Chapter 12: Three Drunk Guys, One Roof

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Tyler's Pov:

When Josh left I was sitting on my bed talking to Brendon. "Hey Brendon"

"Keep it down there's school tomorrow and I said you could sleep over if we're quiet and sleeping by 10:00pm" I whispered to Brendon as I saw the hallway light turn on so I turned off my light and jumped into bed next to Brendon. It was 11:00pm so we pretended to sleep just in case someone heard us.

My door cracked open and Brendon was giggling in my ear and in the pillow trying not to be loud to get yelled at (tbh this is me and my Best Fren twentyonejoshlers88 when we have to sleep a curtain time which only happens if we have plans) When the door closed I slapped Brendon playfully on the shoulder. "Okay as I was saying Brendo-" and of course he cut me off "is it a good mission or are we going to die?" "It's not a mission I just keep thinking about that kiss with Josh" "DO YOU LIKE HIM?!?!" "BRENDON hush I-I don't know I'm straight and I'm dating Jenna" I yell whispered 'Brendon' because I did not want to be grounded for not going to sleep early. "But Jenna's a bitch and it looked like Josh enjoyed the kiss."

"BOYS I KNOW YOUR AWAKE I CAN GEAR YOU'RE WHOLE CONVERSATION AND IF YOU DON'T GET TO SLEEP NOW THEN I WILL GET THE PADDLE." "Oh shit not the paddle please momma Ty Ty" "BRENDON DON'T CUSS and go to sleep now or I'll tell you're mother to paddle you more" Brendon yes ma'am my mom and I couldn't help but laugh.

I knew Brendon had ADHD but I forget how much it could get him in trouble. But after that we drifted off to sleep until...


Me and Brendon both groaned and I got up. Brendon stayed in bed wrapped in the sheets so I pulled them and he fell to the ground.

"DUDE REALLY WHAT THE FUCK" I couldn't help but laugh and he tackled my to the ground and got the cup of water from my table and poured it on my face. I pushed him off of me and wiped my face with a white towel.

I got on a black shirt with my floral and black skinny jeans with floral vans that I got at the mall a couple weeks ago.

We both grabbed a pop tart and headed out the door. We got into Brendon's car and drove to school. I got greeted with a lot of high fives and fist bumps from my "friends". We went to our homerooms and got the attendance and stuff teachers do in homeroom.

It was lunch and I saw Josh out the window sitting by a tree in the shade with a black notebook and a pen. I excused myself from the table and went outside to talk to him.

"Hey Josh" I scared him and he shot up his head. I giggled by his facial reaction. "Oh hey Ty you scared me" Ty I love that nickname he gave me. "So uh what are you doing out here?" We both asked each other at the same time which made us both died from laughter. "Uhhh I came to talk to you because I saw you sitting out here alone and I wanted to say hi" I spat out. "Oh I'm just doing homework and uh" "and uh what?" I asked. I wanted to know what he was going to say. "And uh" he said loud but quieted down saying the last part kinda being muffled "writing down drum ideas" "what did you say I couldn't hear you, you were muffled" he spoke a little louder but still quiet "writing down drum ideas" "WHAT one more time" I knew what he said I just wanted him to be proud of it "Writing down drum ideas"

He said it in his normal voice but a little louder like he was annoyed. "That's cool can I see" he passed me the paper and I didn't know what any of it meant to be honest. I past the paper back to him and said it looked cool.

I told him that I play the piano and only him and Brendon knew. He thought it was pretty cool and that we made a deal to show each other one day. I didn't tell him about me playing the ukulele and singing because those were more embarrassing to me than the piano, not even Brendon knew.

It was after school and Brendon drove us to his house. I asked Josh and he agreed to come, I forgot he had a lot of beer in his house and nothing else to drink.

After about 8 drinks we all started to get a little drunk. Brendon got expensive stuff and we killed it so we were all laying on the roof and laughing. We had more and more to drink and then Josh was dared to jump into the pool in only his underwear from the roof.

He took off his clothes and I saw all the scars he had from beatings and his dad. We didn't say anything to him and he jumped in. We all laughed but then he game back up and sat down next to me and Brendon.

I woke up on a half naked Josh. I shot my head up and it felt like a bomb exploded in my head. I had a massive headache, I saw Brendon sleeping and I realized we were on the roof. How did we get on the roof and why is Josh only in underwear?

"OWWW MY HEAD" I heard Brendon yell out. "Dude shut up you are way to loud for this. Wait how did we get on the roof and why am I half naked?" Josh groaned out and I just laughed.

"Don't worry I recorded the WHOLE thing before it even started. Brendon got up and took the camera off of a tripod which I never knew it was there until now. While he took it off, Josh put his close back on.

I couldn't help but stare at him and think how perfect he is. I looked away when Brendon showed up with the camera and hit play.

We all laughed at how stupid we are. It was the part were Josh jumped off the pool and I saw myself cheer and shout at him. I looked at myself staring down Josh like he was bait.

I think he saw that to because he looked at me and smiled. When he got back up to the roof we all laughed and giggled (in the video) and when Brendon went to go get more beer Josh and I started making out, out of no where and laughed.

Brendon DIED laughing at us and I felt my face getting really hot. I saw Josh's face was blushing a fire red and I couldn't help but giggle. I had a really fun night and I hope we do it more often.

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