Chapter 19: Josh Dun Died

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Josh's Pov:

"Agh please HELP" I screamed and screamed but no one came and helped. I was tied standing up with my arms up in the air with rope around it and I was on my tippy toes. I only had boxers on and I was freezing.

I heard someone coming down the stairs and I tried moving but I couldn't. The door opened and there he was.

My dad with a knife in one hand and a gun in the other. "Hello son isn't it nice to meet again!" "LEAVE ME ALONE, PLEA-" I coughed out and couldn't talk anymore. He walked closer to me and stabbed my stomach.

"AGH please please don't do-" he stabbed me again but this time he moved it down so it cut me like I was dinner.

After many times stabbing me I couldn't keep myself up. My feet started to slip and I was now dangling by my hands.

He got the gun out and aimed it to my head. "Goodbye Josh. No one will ever know what happened to you because no one really cared about you. EVERYONE HATES YOU" and with that he pulled the trigger and all I saw was blackness.

I shot out of bed and I was sweaty. I saw that Tyler wasn't by me and I started to panic. Am I dead? Am I in heaven because this place is nice?

I started to think that my nightmare was real and I actually did die until I saw Tyler run up to me and laid down.

I wrapped my arms around him and felt so safe next to him. He was my everything and I don't want him to leave me.

I sound like a woos but he's the only thing keeping me alive. I fell back to sleep knowing I had Tyler and everyone else on the other side of me.


I woke up to the smell of bacon and Tyler facing me with his mouth open a little. He made little snores which was adorable.

I saw how crooked his teeth were and they were so perfect. I wanted to touch them.... so knowing me I stuck my hand in his mouth and started touching his teeth.

Tyler woke up "w-what are you doing Josh" he tried talking with my fingers still in his mouth. "Your teeth are so imperfect it's perfect" I took my fingers out of his mouth and kissed him.

"Uh thanks" he said laughing then mumbled "I think"

I laughed and we went to the kitchen. Brendon was "cooking" bacon and pancakes.

We saw Brendon and Ryan making out and Brendon accidentally touched the oven while kissing. "OUCHIE MY FINGIEEE kiss it?" He smiled and put his hand in front of Ryan.

"You guys are suppose to eat the food, not each other's faces" Tyler yelled and scared both of them.

We all laughed and sat down. "The P's had to go to work so they left early and didn't want to wake anyone so they left a note" Brendon handed us the note and we nodded with our face full of food.

We thanked Brendon for the food and started paying video games. Ryan had to go home and help his grandma turn on the computer because she forgot how.

We all hugged him and said bye while Beebo and him "hugged" at the door but me and Ty saw and it was more than a hug.

We later went home and hung out at Tyler's. I had dinner there and went home. I climbed through the window and saw my dad.

I froze at the windowsill and just stayed there. "Where were you boy?" He sounded really drunk. I told him the library but he didn't believe me and started punching and kicking me like he use to.

I had no one to help me. I was scared what everyone would say at school if they saw all the bruises again. I told them he stopped and they believed me. "YOU WORTHLESS CUNT! NO ONE LOVES YOU. PEOPLE HATE YOU AND THEY RATHER SEE YOU DEAD" he screamed and screamed and wouldn't stop.

He stopped half an hour later and walked downstairs. There I was, on the ground bleeding and bruised. I couldn't move so I just laid there and slept on the ground.

I woke up at 3:45 am and couldn't go back to sleep so I just cleaned up my blood and took a warm shower.

I walked into the bathroom and took of my clothes. My whole body was black, blue and yellow. But my face only had a scratch so I can say Milo did it because I tried kissing him without giving him food.

I put on a hoodie and black skinny jeans when it was 7am and time for school. I put on my vans and a SnapBack then climbed out my window to school.

When I arrived I turned on my radio and walked out. I walked down the hall and got a bunch of stares.

"Hey Joii WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?" Brendon screamed. "Shut up" I whisper yelled.

"Dude did your dad do this? TYLER TYLERRRRR" "STOP no he didn't Milo did and Tyler isn't going to notice a tiny scratch B so calm your dick willya"


"My cat Tyler it's fine I didn't feed Milo and got mad at me" he sighed and Brendon started speaking that dick.

"Lift your shirt then" "no, why, I'm in the hallway in front of a door" I started freaking out but I let out a forced smile.

He patted my back after saying "your right man I'm sorry" it was light to not hurt but it wasn't a soft one. "OW YOU MOTHER FUCKER.... shit" I mumbled after screaming.

They dragged me to the bathrooms and called Patrick and Pete in too. "Lift it up NOW" Tyler was now furious.

"It's not that bad I just fell out my window. No big deal" "UP NOW JOSH" then from behind Patrick ripped off my jacket and my shirt went with it.

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