Sam's Backstory

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Sam was born into a family that abused her. She lived in hell until she was five years old. The mother of sam's friend was babysitting Sam on short notice and had seen the scars covering Sam. The babysitter told the authorities and Sam was taken away from her abusive parents and got adopted by Shane and Nicki Black.
Shane and Nicki were part of a werewolf agency(the same one Sam is apart of later in her life) and taught Sam how to fight and stand up for herself as she got older.
Sam became an outstanding fighter and could take down a grown man in seconds. She knew how to work guns, knives, and bombs. But guns were her favorite weapon to use. Along with a butterfly knife she had gotten from her adopted mom that had 'SAM' engraved on the blade of it.
Sam got put on a team of five, making her number six, by the owner of the supernatural assassination agency, Zero.
Sam's team members were Andrew, a mischievous demon, Bre, an angel, Madalyn, a fairy, Lindy, a witch, and Alec, a vampire, and Sam, a werewolf.
The six were best friends and basically inseparable.
That was until there was a bombing by where their mission was and five of them died, Sam being the only survivor of their group.
The moon goddess had known the bombing would happen and gave the friends a second chance to be together.
The moon goddess made Sam shift into what her friends were, making her an extremely rare hybrid. So, like her wolf, her friends were in her head as the supernatural creatures they used to be.
After the friends were merged into one, Sam became the best fighter she had ever been, considering she know had her friends strengths in her.
A few years after her friends deaths, Sam's adopted parents died on a  mission, making Sam an orphan.
So Zero, the Supernatural Assassination Agency(SAA) owner, took in Sam.
A few moths after Zero took her in, Sam became best friends with Christopher(Chris) and they became partners in fighting crime.
Chris is a werewolf, just like Sam. So they did a lot of werewolf-y things like going on runs together and play-fighting in wolf form.
Sam and Chris were inseparable.



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