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Hey guys,
It's been a very long time since I've written fully on this platform and I know with this story it's unfair because I seem to always leave off at the wrong parts.
Therefore, I'd like to try to write it again, same characters, relatively same story line, and minimal changes to make it flow better.
I was wondering if you guys would want a rewrite after all the years since I started, so please leave comments with your answers, or even votes could serve as a "yes" option as well.
I'll appreciate your feedback and take into consideration any suggestions for rewriting and if you'd like it at all.
Thank you guys, I really appreciate y'all reading my story and sticking through my very uneven updates (I'd be sure to either post the rewritten all at once or at least in regular updates FYI).
Y'all mean the world to me, I can't wait to hear your feedback 💕😁

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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