Chapter 21

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Sam's POV

Today, we are gonna finally head home and back to Jace's pack house. Yesterday we got to watch movies so now we have to get something done today.
"You pack whatever you have here?" Jace asked walking up to me.
"Yup. I'm ready whenever you are."
"Okay. The others are putting stuff in the truck along with your motorcycle. We will be leaving in a few minutes probably."
"Ok. But if they get a scratch on my motorcycle, someone is gonna pay." I narrowed my eyes at the thought of my beautiful motorcycle getting damaged.
"Got it," Jace said, putting his hands up in surrender. Then Jace yelled, "Will someone pack up Sam's motorcycle? Cuz if I scratch it, I'm dead."
"Well, at least you accept your fate," I say.
"Eh, the feelings mutual." I laugh at that.
"I'm sure it is," I say. "You guys finish packing up, I'll be waiting in the truck."
"Got it," Jace replies.
I hop in Jace's truck and take out my phone. I do my password and click on a random app. Color Switch pulls up so I start playing.
It takes a while for Jace and everyone else to pack up so I play Color Switch for a while, beating a few levels while I'm at it.
Once Jace and two of his friends get in and the truck is started, we head off to Jace's pack house.
A 2 hour car ride with two idiots in the backseat and one up front, not including me. This is going to be an interesting car ride.

Yay! New chapter after like half a year of not updating! I know it's only been probably a few months but still, it feels like it's been forever! Thanks you guys for all the reads and the votes! It truly means a lot. And I know I say that every time I update but it's true!
And btw, I'm thinking of creating another story on here. I'm currently writing it on something else and I was thinking of putting it on here for others to read.
I've created a few stories but I'm not sure which I will end up putting on here but just know that there is a possibility of another story on here written by me (and possibly my friend). 
Anywho, enough random blabber from me. You probably have better things to do that read what I have to say.
Bye guys! See you in the next chapter!

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