Chapter 1

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"Hey, Chris! Do you want to go scout out the new area around here?!" I shouted through the house to Chris, my partner and best friend.
"Sure! Let me finish eating first!" Chris shouted back to me as I finished putting on my black tennis shoes.
I walked into the kitchen and saw Chris eating delicious looking pancakes. "Where are my pancakes??" I whined.
"I'm eating them" Chris said in a 'duh' tone. I gasped dramatically at him and pretended to faint. "Quit being such a drama queen" Chris looked at me, obviously annoyed.
"How dare you!" I pretended to get mad "I thought our friendship meant more to you!" I said overly dramatic.
Chris caught on to what I was doing and said "it does! It's just that I wanted the pancakes to myself for once!" He said, a smirk playing on his face.
"Hey! I eat what's put in front of me and if it's good I take more!" I protested. Chris rolled his eyes at that and continued eating happily as if I hadn't even bothered him.
I sat across from him at the table. "Any missions today?" Chris asked since I was usually the first one of us to know.
"Nope! We are free to do whatever we want today but tomorrow we have to finish up some paperwork for Zero" I said, happy that we finally had a day off. Catching and killing bad guys is a lot of work, you know!
"Why can't Zero just do his own paperwork?!" Chris exclaimed. He hated doing paperwork while me on the other hand, didn't mind it as much.
"I don't know! It's just how things work around here." I responded.
Chris was finally finishing up his breakfast and was putting his dirty dishes in the sink for me to wash later since it was my day to do chores.
"Let me get on my shoes and I'll be ready to go scout out the area." Chris said, reaching for his blue nike's. Our current house was near a forrest so at least we could explore the forrest if we got bored.
Since we are secret agents and we have enemies it's always good to move houses often so that none of your enemies find you and kill you in your sleep.
"Hurry up, Chris" I urged him as he tied his shoe laces.
"I'm coming, I'm coming" Chris mumbled, sending me an annoyed glance.
Chris got finished tying up his shoes and we headed out the door, but not before we got some small, handheld guns and a knife each, just because you can never be too careful in new surroundings.

Hope you liked the first chapter! I'll try to keep the book interesting with new ideas as I write!

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