Authors Note

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Me and my good friend WinterWeigandt have been creating short stories and have now decided to make a collection of them! We have called it "The Kismet Chronicles" and the first short story is published. (Btw, 'Kismet' is just another word for fate or destiny)
The short stories are about a group of friends—Nicole, Max, December, and Rylee—and their adventures.
We try to make the stories realistic and a fun read. However, not many of the short stories are gonna have a plot and will basically be whatever we want to write.
Anyways, go check out The Kismet Chronicles and give us some feedback! Also, tell us if we should continually create and publish the short stories or not and go give WinterWeigandt some love on her stories!!
She's a great writer and I'm sure she would love the support!

If you have any ideas for future short stories, go tell us on TKC comments or message one of us! Thanks! ❤️

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