Chapter 4

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Sam's POV

I woke up to the sound of something banging on metal.
"Quit it! I'm trying to sleep!" I yelled, trying to fall asleep again.
"No" came a flat reply.
I opened my eyes and sent a death glare to who was making the noise, which was James.
"Asshole" I muttered.
"What was that?" James asked teasingly.
"I said you were an asshole. Deal with it" I responded, still not happy that he woke me up.
James sent a glare at me. I smiled sweetly in return, pretending that I did nothing.
James got the keys to open our cells. He opened Chris's cell first since it was the closest to him, then he opened mine.
I got up from where I was sleeping and stretched.
"Before we let you leave, I want to ask you guys one last question. " James told us.
"Ok. Then can we finally leave?"
"Yup" was James's cheery reply.

James led us out of the cells and into the pack house.
"Do you smell that?" Chris whispered to me.
"No, what smell?" I asked, thinking Chris was delusional.
"It smells like chocolate and strawberries" he said almost drooling.
"Well then that's what it probably is, dumbass" I said matter-of-factly.
As I said that, some girl walked straight towards us.
"Mate" Chris whispered, happiness shining in his eyes.
"Yayyyyy..." I drawled out sarcastically. We already had enough going on in our lives and didn't need a mate to distract us from doing our jobs.
The girl ran into Chris's open arms and they hugged like no tomorrow. James and I stood off to the side and watched the two hug, me looking at them in disgust-i don't like hugs- and James looked at them with joy.
"I'm so happy for you two!" James exclaimed.
"Thank you!" They both said at the same time.
"So, about the question I was going to ask you two," James said pointing to me and Chris "was if you wanted to join the pack?"
"Sam?" Chris said, giving me puppy dog eyes. He really wanted to stay with his mate, I could tell.
"Why can't your mate just come with us?" I said, looking Chris straight in the eyes.
"You know how mad Zero would get and you know what could happen..." Chris whispered to me.
"Zero gets mad at me all the time. He will just have to get used to someone new. And don't worry about what could happen, she won't be at work with us anyways." I whispered back.
"Even if she isn't with us in the job, there's still a chance of her getting hurt. I think it's best we stay here."
"We stay here for two weeks and if I don't like it, we move back to the house and she comes with." I finally said out loud.
"Deal." Chris said shaking my hand.
I turned back to James and Chris's mate, Amy, and said, "we will stay for two weeks and if we don't like it here, we will go back to our house." Amy growled when I said 'our house' meaning Chris and I's house. Amy and Chris just met and their already possessive of each other. "James, can me and Chris go back home and get our things if we are staying here for a while?" I asked James.
"Sure! I'll have a few of my men go with you," James responded.
I saw his eyes glaze over, meaning he was using a mind link, probably to contact whoever would be going with us. "Jace and Kyle will go with you" James told us, "Amy, do you want to go with too?" James asked, turning towards Amy. She nodded her head yes.
We piled in a pickup truck and sped off to the house.

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