Chapter 10

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Sam's POV

Me and Chris had already gotten the information packet for our new mission.
Chris was driving us back to the pack house while I was trying to find a good song on the radio.
"There's nothing good on" I complained.
"Then turn the radio off and look at the information packet and figure out what the mission is" Chris told me.
"Fine..." I said, grabbing the packet from the back seat.
I emptied the packet and inside I found a small pile of papers, a flash drive, a smoke bomb, and a note.
I picked up the note first.
It said:
Don't mess this job up, assholes, there's a lot pending on this kill.

The guy you have to kill lives in the pack house that you are staying at.
He is one of the soon to be alpha, Jace's, friends so you better be careful about what marks you leave in the crime scene.

It should be a quick kill but you also have to find out where his lab is and destroy the bombs he has made.


'Lovely note' I said in my head.
I put the note down and picked up the papers about the guy we have to kill.

"Let's see..." I muttered to myself.
"Name: Marshal M. Johnson
Age: 19
Recently spotted: outside of metal door near Bones Beach..."  I said, knowing Chris could hear me.
"Isn't that beach by where we are staying?" Chris asked, looking to me.
"Yeah, I think I saw it on our way to the temporary house Zero gave us." Told him, looking at more info on this Marshal guy.

As we were pulling up to the house, I put stuff back in the packet we picked it up in.
We walked into the house and I went to put the packet in my room while Chris found us some food.

As I was heading to the kitchen to see what Chris found us, I smelled an amazing smell.
I followed the smell and found that it led into the kitchen.

Hmmmm....I wonder what that 'amazing smell' was....
Hope you enjoyed that chapter!
And as I promised, I made this chapter longer than the last one!

I'll plan on updating again tomorrow, maybe sooner.

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