Chapter 7

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Sam's POV

After playing Grand Theft Auto for a few hours-aka like all day-my muscles are tense so I changed into spandex and a sports bra and headed to the gym.
A few people were already in the gym and training but I just ignored them. I put in earbuds and put up a punching bag.
I wrapped my hands and started punching and kicking the bag.
I knocked it to the floor quite a few times before I got a heavier, more resistant bag.
As I was getting ready to punch the new bag I hung up, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned off my music, turning to see what they wanted.
It was a guy. About 6 feet, blonde hair, green eyes, muscular.
"Hmm?" I asked.
"You're in my spot" he said it like I should have known.
"I don't see your name on it so therefore I can be here," I said putting my earbuds back in to continue what I was doing but he forced me to turn back around.
"How dare you disrespect me! I am of higher rank than you!" He yelled in my face.
"Fist of all, I don't give a shit, second of all, did you brush your teeth this morning your breath stinks" I said scrunching my nose up in disgust at the awful smell.
"You bitch!" He said, slapping me.
I took my earbuds out and set my phone down on the bleachers nearby.
"You don't know how much of a bitch I can really be." I said smiling evilly.
I punched him square in the jaw.
He kicked his leg out at me but I caught it and twisted, bringing him down to the ground.
I straddled him and started punching back and forth.
He punched back, only landing a few hits.
He managed to push me off him and started landing a few punches and kicks on me.
We were gathering a crowd around us now.
The guy was getting mad that I hadn't backed down yet.
He ran towards me but I sidestepped and tripped him.
When he was on the ground I got on top of him and pulled and knife out of my spandex-you can never be too careful when on your own in a new place.
I placed the knife at his neck and said in a quiet but deadly voice, "don't fuck with me or else."
I pushed myself off of him and put the knife back. Everyone backed away from me, probably scared that I'd hurt them.
I grabbed my phone off the bleachers and walked outside to their basketball court and played a few games with the guys there to calm down for a little bit.
My team won almost every game.

After getting to know the guys a little more, I went back to my room and took a shower. After my shower, I laid in bed on my phone until I eventually fell asleep.

My nap lasted for a few hours before Chris had to wake me up for supper.
I yelled at him for waking me up from my amazing dream.
Supper was steak with grilled asparagus and broccoli. There was also mashed potatoes and soup. It was AMAZING! I swear they hire professionals to make this food because it is GODLY.

After supper I fell back asleep and didn't wake up until noon the next day.

Two chapters in one day!! Yay!!
Hope you liked it, I tried to add some thing to it to make this part more interesting so this is what I came up with!!
I'll try to update more but no promises since I'm busy moving and stuff but I will try.

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