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Adrian and Bias were outside playing on the waterslide as Isa watched from the back porch. It took everything in her not to jump up and snatch her precious baby boy from her husband/mate's arms and cradle him to her chest. Toby was only five months old, and watching Adrian clutch him to his muscular chest, then fly down the Slip 'N Slide at his immortal speed had Isa wincing and occasionally crying out in fear, though she knew that Adrian knew what he was doing and would never hurt their son.

Tobias on the other hand seemed somewhere between being as terrified as Isaline as Adrian ran across the yard at top speed, and then having the time of his life as they actually flew through the sprinklers. Those two had been at it for over two hours, and from the way her milk was dropping Tobias would be crying for Momma within the next thirty minutes. She still thought it was too soon for Adrian to be playing with her baby like that, but he wasn't going to listen to her complaints.

And then she started to leak.

"Ah, shit," She hissed under her breath as she stood up just as Adrian decided to use his powers to their fullest potential, looking like a flash of lightning when he ran. Toby squealed as they flew down the slide, and as soon as they stopped moving, he started to cry, his stormy grey eyes wide as he watched Isa walk across the yard at a human speed. She smiled when he stopped crying to grin at her as she took him from Adrian's arms, and by the time Isa had pulled the strap of her tank top down, and exposed her breast, the infant was already latching on, and sucking away, making the loud, borderline obnoxious grunting noises he made any time he was fed.

Adrian, soaking wet, and as sexy as ever, stood, and trailed behind Isa as she walked back towards the house to grab a blanket to wrap her wet baby in until he finished nursing and could be changed.

When Isa yawned, her precious son copied, his beautiful eyes squeezing shut for the duration before they were open, then rolling as he started to doze. His hair was curly, and a deep brown with blonde streaks, and he had inherited Isaline's doe eyes, but aside from that, Tobias looked just like Adrian, just as Isaline had prayed. He weight twelve pounds and could still fit perfectly in the crook of both of his parents' arms, definitely what one would call an arm baby. Tobias Marquise Lew was a quiet baby, but when he cried, it was loud enough to make everyone in his vampiric family's ears ring, and even the human side winced as well.

Having a father that owned and was the director of a daycare worked well for the quiet baby, and Adrian made sure that between himself, Isa, and both of their families that someone worked with Toby, lovingly known as Bias as well, in regards to cognitive skills, motor skills, index cards, and anything else. Isa remembered clearly the night she went into labor, and how she was in so make pain from her contractions that when it came time to push, her husband had taken it upon himself to make his woman laugh, and laugh she did, and she laughed Toby out. Adrian had sworn to her that their child would be reading by the time he was two, and walking before he hit ten months. When Isaline had asked why, he told her that he had to have the most intelligent child in the Lew and Ford families or else there wasn't a point. Thinking back, Isa warranted a fair chuckle, but the statement was definitely not worth the guffaws that she couldn't hold back in the delivery room. She had already been laughing, but that had thrown her over the edge for some reason.

Adrian said it was because she had just needed a good laugh. The last part of her pregnancy, Isa was somewhere between miserable because she was pregnant, and so happy that she was pregnant. The lethargy had her barely able to climb out of bed, the morning sickness rarely ever came in the morning, and she spent most of the time anticipating the next mood swing or outburst from Adrian. They never came, but Isa was smarter to believe that before she had seen it. They had gotten married in the courthouse about a week after Del woke up, and all of their closest family was there, and it was perfect. Isa wouldn't have wanted it any other way, and Adrian had kept to his promise of not having a bastard child.

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