Chapter 16

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*Luke's P.O.V.*

"Well, Luke always keeps saying how he wants a girl to like him for who he is, not just because he is in a band and so amazingly hot, can sing great or something like that, I don't know." Michael told Kim.

What is he thinking? Who does he think he is, having the right telling her about my crush? He can't just do that! It's against the rules! Wait- are there even rules for that or...?

"What are you saying?" she asked. "Like, date wise? Or just as a friend, I don't get what you're saying..."

"Hey guys. Uhm... Michael, I kind of need you for something, so can you come with me for a while?" Michael mumbled a small 'Uhh, sure', stood up and they walked out of the room together

I walked into the room before he could say anything else that could possibly ruin my life. "Hey guys. Uhm... Michael, I kind of need you for something, so can you come with me for a while?" Michael mumbled a small 'Uhh, sure', stood up and he followed me out of the room.

"What is wrong with you? Why would you say that to her?" I ask him, whisper-yelling. He just raised his eyebrows at me, so I continued. "Why did you think it is fair for you to tell her I have a crush on her?"

He gaped and said frantically "She doesn't know? What?! But you two are all over each other when you're together! How can she not have found out you like her? I mean, it's pretty obvious you two have feelings for each other..."

"Us two? For each other? Do you mean she likes me too?" I asked my eyes widening.

"Sheez, Luke. Are you really that stupid?" Mike told me. "And you guys call me the idiot? I think I'm the only one who's not, but well..."

"Are you serious? Does she like me back?" I asked him a bit panicky, but I didn't care, I needed to know.

"Yes, I'm absolutely sure! Hey, that could be fun, if you asked her out, you know? Because me and Anouk are dating and then we can go on double dates!"

"Yeah, like I want to go on a date with you." I snorted. "Not gonna happen, mate."

"You know what I meant, don't make it weird." Michael whined.

"But, won't it make it weird and difficult for the band and all?" I ask him unsure.

"Yeah, I was worried about that at first, too. Remember that conversation of ours where I admitted about hoping I didn't have a crush on Kim? Well, that all worked out, since I have Anouk now, but that's not the point really." He chuckled a bit and continued.

"I thought that having a girlfriend may be difficult with the band and maybe it would ruin some things and stuff, but I'm not afraid of that anymore. I want to have a girlfriend and if something happens with the band, so be it. It would be a shame, of course, I maybe even cry, but it the long run it won't matter. We promised each other when we started the band, that girls won't stand in between us and they won't. It doesn't mean we can't date though and having a girlfriend doesn't ruin everything all at once. Maybe the fans will be a bit, or a lot, since – you know – you have those fans, but if they love us and want us to be happy, they'll support us with a girlfriend. The real fans will."

I blinked at him.

"How come you only now have a girlfriend?" I scoffed playfully and hugged him. "Thanks, Mike. That really helped me, a lot. Thanks..." I tighten my arms around him before letting go and walking back into my room, letting him walk back into the living room, where Kimberly probably still is.

I hear them laugh a few times at what is on the tv and put on a different shirt quickly. I walk into the room and stand behind Kimberly. She hasn't heard or seen me yet, so I decided to tease her a bit. Apparently she is very ticklish, Anne told me so. I grab her by the waist, to which she screams and jumps a bit.

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