Turning Harry

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Snape prowled around the potions classroom when he saw the small group of Slytherins in his Slytherin / Gryffindor potion class toss a variety of items towards Potter's cauldron. He watched, almost in slow motion, as Potter and himself drew their wands to put up shields but they were too late as there was a loud boom. He saw Potter drop to the floor, the cauldron falling on top of him. He heard the metal clank as it finally landed on the floor.

He made his way quickly over to him only to be greeted by a low, menacing growl. He yelled "everyone out NOW!" as he stopped moving, his senses very aware of the danger. He wasn't sure what happened, but he didn't want any of his students hurt.

He noticed Granger and a few of his snakes hadn't left "I said now, that means every one of you."

His snakes knew he wouldn't put up with them staying and left the classroom fast, Granger, however, still stayed. "What part of get out now didn't you understand Miss Granger? 5 points for failure to listen." He saw Potter move, something was very wrong. The boy was moving to gracefully to be his usual self, almost predatory in his movements to rise.

"Sir, I think."

He cut her off "don't think, it's not your strong suit, get out." He told her "15 points for failing to obey your Professor and if I have to tell you again I will add a month of detentions and a suspension." That was enough for her to leave, he never liked the girl.

As the door closed, it seemed to wake Potter up from whatever stupor the potion mishap might have caused because Potter was now fully aware and looking at him. Potter started to move towards him, slowly, almost have if he was prey and Potter was the hunter. He noticed changes in Potter. He froze again as he assessed the changes. Potter didn't have his glasses on, he glanced down and saw them on the floor, broken. His eyes were now a deep black, instead of the usual bright emerald green, that was alarming, in of itself.

He suddenly noticed the pointy teeth he was sporting and something was dripping from them. He quickly realized it was some type of venom. Potter also looked taller, he wasn't sure but he seemed to have grown. He was almost moving around him, almost as if he was working out something. Potter let out another low, warning growl as he moved a step away from Potter, he froze again, Potter was a living vampire, he realized suddenly. He didn't want to deal with a living vampire. They were deadlier than a regular vampire and three times harder to kill. Vampires died by fire, sun, beheading or stake to the heart, there were reports of living vampires walking out of the fire, not burning in sun, picking their heads up or pulling a stake out of their hearts. He actually wasn't sure what would kill a living vampire, that made him very afraid.

He watched as Potter smelled the air, he knew he smelled his fear. Potter went down into a crouch and he was indeed the prey. He wasn't sure if he should run or not. It depended on what he did now. He could either be a food source for Potter until he died or he could die right now as Potter ripped his throat out. He had no hope of out running Potter.

He began to search for anything that would help. He couldn't use his wand because no spell he knew would effect Potter in time for him to escape, and actually it would only delay him by a few seconds, and just make him mad. A wand was useless against Potter. He did the only thing he could think of, he knelt, bowed his head and exposed his neck. He hoped Potter would accept the offer and not rip his throat out anyways. He could still see Potter's legs and watched him as he slowly walk around him. He circled him a few times. He stayed very still, not moving. Potter was lightening fast as he felt his teeth in his neck, and he was pressed against Potter as he feed. He pleasure was incredible, after the first bit of pain as the fangs pierced the skin. He heard the classroom door open "no, don't, he will kill you before a spell could be fired." He told them. He had felt Potter get tense when they opened the door.

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