Chapter 8

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I pulled into my driveway and parked the car. I took Venom and went to the back and got my bag. I left the keys in the car with it unlocked knowing it shouldn't take long.

"You can come inside if you want, I won't be long but it's better than waiting out here." I said to Alex. I could tell she was up to coming inside from the look she had on her face.

You could definitely say I don't live in a good neighborhood. Next time it won't be an option for her to be outside in the open. I wasn't going to let something happen to her.

I unlocked the door and opened it for her, gesturing for her to step in before me. I got in right behind her and closed the door.

I took her hand and walked her up the stairs to my room. My room isn't messy so I wasn't worried about her being in there. I let go of her hand and turned to face her.

"Well, here it is. Mi casa. Well, mi cuarto." I said to her, walking to my closet. I didn't know if she took Spanish or not so I decided I should clarify.

"Your bedroom." she said before I could speak. Apparently she does know some Spanish. Nice to know.

I went through my closet and got out a different muscle shirt and some joggers. I then went over and switched out Venom for Storm Trooper.

I looked at her and saw her looking at the other vape. She looked at it with wild eyes. I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"Want to see a few tricks?" I asked. She nodded her head and watched me as I put down the clothes in my hand.

I started out warming up the coil with just a simple blow out from my mouth and nose. After a bit of that I did some rings.

Then I took in a lot of vapor and did my Bowser style trick, blowing small rings out consecutively without stopping.

After that I stopped, not wanting her to take in a lot of second hand smoke. She clapped her hands a bit. I'm surprised she's not disgusted by it.

"What am I smelling? Something fruity, that's for sure." she asked, referring to the vapor. I really like the taste and smell of it.

"Dragon fruit." I said, putting it in my pocket and getting to clothes again. "Should I take a shower here before I go?"

"I mean, you can shower at my house if you want." she said with a smile. I mean, I guess.

I turned off the light and motioned her to walk with me. We went down the stairs and walked to the door when strangely, it opened.

Suddenly I was staring at my father again. My mom said I wouldn't be seeing him for a while. Why is he back?

"Who the fuck is that?" he asked, staring at the girl next to me. I took her hand and pushed her back behind me a bit. I then took a step in front of her.

"Got yourself a little bitch huh? Why do you have to be a fag, Tobin? Well I mean, from what I'm looking at, I can see why you'd want to fuck her." he said, smirking and eyeing Alex up and down. "Do I get a piece of that?"

"Shut up." I said. Looking at him with cold eyes. Anger rising within me. My breathing picked up and I swallowed hard.

"What did you just say to me?" he said, taking a few steps closer to me. "Remember what happened last time you talked back to me?"

I could feel Alex's grip on my hand tighten and he took another step towards me. I stared at him, not wanting to back down. I was too angry.

With one quick motion I punched him in the nose. He let out a loud yelp of pain and I could feel the throbbing in my right hand. Alex let go of my left one and she backed up against the closet door.

"That's it, you're in for it." my father said, wiping some of the blood off his face. He took a swing at me but I dodged it. I did the same with the next few of his punches until I grazed his chin.

He then hooked me in the jaw. My head whipped to the side, the trauma made black spots appears around my vision.

He then punched me in the ribs a few timse making me double over. I was trying to catch my breath when he ran into me and started pushing me into the closet door where Alex was.

I felt the door behind me, so that means Alex must have gotten out of the way. He took my hair and pulled my head forward then back against the door.

Suddenly my vision went black and I fell to the ground. My eyes were still open but I couldn't see anything. I heard the sound of his boots as he walked away from me.

"Oh come on baby girl, there's no use hiding behind there. I will still get to you. And when I do, I'll fuck you so hard you'll bleed." I heard his disgusting voice ring out. I started frantically blinking to get my vision back.

I felt helpless. I heard shuffling in the distance and a few grunts from my dad and Alex.

"Tobin!" Alex screamed. I felt my heart beat kick up again. It was beating faster than ever before. I could almost hear and feel it in my head.

She kept screaming until suddenly her voice got muffled. I again started blinking, hoping something would happen.

"Shut up, bitch. We wouldn't want you attracting unwanted attention." came his cold voice again. Now I heard Alex crying and yelling despite being muffled.

I suddenly saw some light coming back. I continued blinking to make my vision fully appear. When it did, I saw my dad behind Alex, her hands being pinned behind her back as he was walking her forward.

It looked like he tied a bandana and put it in her mouth, causing her muffled sobs. As he came closer I closed my eyes and made sure not to move.

I needed to get Alex out of here.

This is a lot darker than any other chapter.

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